
Tag: #GamblingAddiction

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Defensive Plays to Stop Problem Gambling This Football Season

From September to February, Americans rearrange plans and listen for the telltale ding from their phones as millions of TVs across the nation display the latest football games, stats, and highlights. But are people still tuning in for the love of the sport, or has something a little less wholesome overshadowed the seemingly harmless game? …
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El Día Nacional de la Tercera Edad es un Momento Para Obtener Ayuda

El Día Nacional de la Tercera Edad es el 21 de agosto de cada año y es una oportunidad para expresar agradecimiento a los estadounidenses mayores por sus contribuciones para mejorar nuestras familias, nuestras comunidades y nuestro país.  Florida es un destino para los adultos mayores al igual que para los jóvenes. El estado atrae…
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National Senior Day is a Time to Secure Help

National Senior Citizens Day is August 21st of each year and is an opportunity  to express thanks to older Americans for their contributions to making our families, our communities, and our country better.  Florida is a destination for older adults, who flock to the state, as do their younger counterparts to enjoy the weather, the…
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Las Relaciones Importan – Día Nacional de la Amistad

¿Sabías que el 7 de agosto es el Día Nacional de la Amistad?  El Día Nacional de la Amistad alienta a las personas de todo el país a celebrar la importancia de las relaciones amorosas y platónicas. Piénsalo. ¿A quién recurre en su vida para compartir momentos de alegría, para descargar un corazón cargado, para…
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Relationships Matter – National Friendship Day

Did you know that August 7th is National Friendship Day? National Friendship Day encourages people across the country to celebrate the importance of loving, platonic relationships. Think about it. Who do you turn to in your life to share a joy, to unload a heavy heart, to express your innermost thoughts, as well as your…
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National Simplicity Day Can Serve as Foundation for Gambling Recovery Addiction

If you are recovering from a gambling addiction, here’s how to celebrate National Simplicity Day.

Have You Been Lying to Yourself About Your Gambling?

July 7th is Tell the Truth Day, as well as the Global Day of Forgiveness, so if you’ve been lying to yourself or your loved ones about your gambling and the state of your finances, speaking up now could be a life altering event. Gambling addiction often makes people do things they would not otherwise…
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What Do Telling the Truth, Forgiveness and Independence Have in Common?

July 4th marks a significant day in the United States because it signifies the freedoms and independence experienced by Americans. Yet, there are those among us who do not feel they share the same liberties as others, for varying reasons. For compulsive gamblers starting the path to recovery, relinquishing certain aspects of their independence, such…
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In Recognition of Mother’s Day – Make Amends

Mother’s Day is approaching on Sunday, May 8th, and for many of us, it provides an opportunity to reflect on our relationships with our mothers. In some cases, this is not an easy task. While many of us may turn to our mothers for comfort and guidance, for others, our relationships with our mothers are…
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Hope Exists in Florida for Those Struggling with Gambling Problems

April is the National Month of Hope [1] and the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling wants Sunshine State residents to know that hope is a reality for those struggling with difficulties due to gambling. All too often, individuals contacting our 888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine report feelings of hopelessness. Hopelessness occurs when problem gamblers see no…
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