Category: Mental Health

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WEB LETTER: Highlighting Gambling Disorder During National Minority Health Month

It is always a good time to check in on everyone around us to and ask if they are doing alright, both mentally and physically. Did you know that April is National Minority Health Month (NMHM)? This annual event works to raise awareness about health disparities that continue to affect people from racial and ethnic…
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Discover the Importance of Assertive Communication When a Loved One is Suffering from Problem Gambling

The importance of the way we communicate to others cannot be understated. Some of us have not been taught how to share our thoughts and feelings with others in an assertive fashion. When it comes to dealing with a loved one suffering from problem gambling, it is imperative to learn to speak assertively. An individual…
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Descubre la Importancia de la Comunicación Asertiva Cuando un Ser Querido Sufre de Problemas de Juego

La importancia de la forma en que nos comunicamos con los demás no puede subestimarse. A algunos de nosotros no nos han enseñado cómo compartir nuestros pensamientos y sentimientos con los demás de manera asertiva. Cuando se trata de lidiar con un ser querido que sufre de juego compulsivo, se hace necesario aprender a hablar…
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Cómo la Negación y los Mecanismos de Defensa Actúan en Contra de Ti (o de un Ser Querido) al Buscar la Recuperación del Juego Compulsivo

La negación es no permitirte saber cuál es la realidad. Lo que más negamos con frecuencia es un problema, un sentimiento o una pérdida. Escribiendo para Simply Psychology, Saul Mcleod, Ph.D. define los mecanismos de defensa como “estrategias psicológicas que se usan inconscientemente para proteger a una persona de la ansiedad que surge de pensamientos…
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How Denial and Defense Mechanisms Work Against You (or a Loved One) in Finding Recovery for Problem Gambling

Denial is not letting yourself know what reality is. What we deny most often is a problem, a feeling, or a loss. Writing for Simply Psychology, Saul Mcleod, Ph.D. defines defense mechanisms as “psychological strategies that are unconsciously used to protect a person from anxiety arising from unacceptable thoughts or feelings,” and according to Freudian theory, “involve…
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WEB LETTER: Move Over Scrooge – How the Hidden Addiction Can Really Ruin the Holidays

Most look forward to the holidays as a special time of year time for family and friends to enjoy together, and some also take the time to deepen their faith and spirituality. However, for those suffering from gambling addiction, the experience is completely different. What used to be an annual celebration becomes a looming threat…
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Approaching Financial Impacts of Problem Gambling as a Loved One

There are many impacts to gambling addiction, and financial difficulties is often the first category that comes to mind. Loved ones of a compulsive gambler may be in denial about the seriousness of the addiction and the financial problems it is causing. When it comes to problem gambling, money is the drug that feeds the…
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Afrontando los Impactos Financieros del Problema del Juego en un Ser Querido

Hay muchos impactos de la adicción al juego, y las dificultades financieras suelen ser la primera categoría que viene a la mente. Los seres queridos de un jugador compulsivo pueden estar en negación sobre la gravedad de la adicción y los problemas financieros que está causando. Cuando se trata del problema del juego, el dinero…
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How to Identify Negative Consequences of Your Gambling

While the majority of adults can gamble safely as a form of recreation, many don’t consider that it can become a problem for some, and dangerous misconceptions about problem gambling persist. For example, some believe that when an individual is experiencing negative consequences due to their gambling, this is simply a result of a lack…
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Cómo Identificar las Consecuencias Negativas de tu Juego

Si bien la mayoría de los adultos pueden apostar de manera segura como forma de entretenimiento, muchos no consideran que pueda convertirse en un problema para algunos, y persisten concepciones erróneas sobre el juego compulsivo. Por ejemplo, algunos creen que cuando una persona experimenta consecuencias negativas debido a su juego, esto es simplemente el resultado…
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