
Category: Suicide Prevention

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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How to Heal from Grief and Loss While Living with Gambling Addiction

Grieving is a natural process and a natural part of life. It is healthy to grieve any loss sustained in our lives. No matter how big or small, or what anyone thinks, only we can know when, how, and for how long we should grieve the loss. Most never consider the loss of a partner…
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Cómo Sanar del Duelo y la Pérdida Mientras se Vive con la Adicción al Juego

El duelo es un proceso natural y una parte normal de la vida. Es saludable llorar cualquier pérdida sufrida en nuestras vidas. Sin importar cuán grande o pequeño sea, o lo que piensen los demás, solo nosotros podemos saber cuándo, cómo y durante cuánto tiempo debemos llorar la pérdida. La mayoría nunca considera que la…
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Hope Exists in Florida for Those Struggling with Gambling Problems

April is the National Month of Hope [1] and the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling wants Sunshine State residents to know that hope is a reality for those struggling with difficulties due to gambling. All too often, individuals contacting our 888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine report feelings of hopelessness. Hopelessness occurs when problem gamblers see no…
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Hay esperanza en Florida para los que luchan con problemas de juego

Abril es el Mes Nacional de la Esperanza [1] y el Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling quiere que los residentes de Sunshine State sepan que la esperanza es una realidad para aquellos que luchan con dificultades debido al juego. Con frecuencia, las personas que se comunican con nuestra línea de ayuda para problemas con el…
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Hablando Sobre el Suicidio Puede Salvar una Vida

Del 5 al 11 de septiembre es la Semana Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio y en Florida nadamas, el suicidio fue la octava causa principal de muerte en el año 2019, lo que representa a más de 3,400 residentes que se quitaron la vida. El suicidio en Florida también sigue siendo la segunda causa más…
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Talking About Suicide Can Save a Life

September 5th-11th is National Suicide Prevention Week and in Florida alone, suicide was the 8th leading cause of death in 2019, representing more than 3,400 residents who took their own lives. Suicide in Florida also remains the second highest cause of death among people ages 10-34, followed by homicide, cancer, and heart disease [1].  Compulsive…
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The Importance of Strong Mental Health in the Fight Against Suicide and Problem Gambling

Protecting our mental health should be a priority in our daily lives; September 6-12, 2020, is National Suicide Prevention Week. More than ever, we are taking steps to prevent suicide and effects that may come from gambling addiction. No one has escaped from the changes that this pandemic has brought on the world. Even though…
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If There is Life, There is Hope

According to the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling’s 2018-2019 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine report, 23% of problem gamblers and loved ones reported having suicidal ideations. That’s more than one out of every five help callers. September has been recognized as National Suicide Prevention Month, and gambling addiction is a risk factor. Gambling addiction does not discriminate and…
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World Suicide Prevention Day: #BeThe1To Make a Difference

Suicide: A Growing Health Concern Suicide is a public health issue that does not discriminate against age or ethnicity and can impact anyone regardless of their social or economic status. In Florida, it is believed that one person dies by suicide every three hours. Unfortunately, that number is rising.1 While there is no single cause…
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