
Author: The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling Inc.

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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What Do Telling the Truth, Forgiveness and Independence Have in Common?

July 4th marks a significant day in the United States because it signifies the freedoms and independence experienced by Americans. Yet, there are those among us who do not feel they share the same liberties as others, for varying reasons. For compulsive gamblers starting the path to recovery, relinquishing certain aspects of their independence, such…
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Hacer cosas divertidas durante la recuperación puede restaurar vidas saludables

Divertirse es uno de los primeros comportamientos que desaparece cuando un individuo o una familia atraviesa una crisis, como descubrir o reconocer que tu o un ser querido tiene un problema grave con el juego. Las personas y los seres queridos de los jugadores compulsivos a menudo se sienten abrumados, emocional y físicamente triste por…
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Doing Fun Things During Recovery Can Restore Healthy Lives

Having fun is one of the first behaviors that disappears when an individual or a family is dealing with a crisis, such as discovering or acknowledging that you or someone you care about has a serious gambling problem.  Individuals and loved ones of compulsive gamblers often feel bogged down – emotionally and physically burdened with…
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Recovery is a Great Way to Honor Thy Father

June 19th is Father’s Day and is a wonderful time to thank your father or the person in your life who has fulfilled a paternal role.  Often, we do not know what to say or cannot seem to put into words the immense gratitude we may feel. This may be especially true in instances when…
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La recuperación es una gran manera de honrar a tu padre

El 19 de junio es el Día del Padre y es un momento maravilloso para agradecer a tu padre o a la persona en tu vida que ha cumplido un papel paterno. A menudo, no sabemos qué decir o parece que no podemos poner en palabras la inmensa gratitud que podemos sentir. Esto puede ser…
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Mental Health Awareness Month is a Time to Remember Gambling Addiction

May 1-31, 2022 is Mental Health Awareness Month and the theme this year is Back to Basics, which is appropriate considering so many Americans have been struggling with mental health difficulties since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, not to mention everything going on in the world around us today. The years 2020 and 2021…
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El mes de la concientización sobre la salud mental es un momento para recordar la adicción al juego

Del 1 al 31 de mayo de 2022 es el Mes de la Concientización sobre la Salud Mental y el tema de este año es Volver a los conocimientos básicos, lo cual es apropiado considerando que muchos estadounidenses han estado luchando con problemas de salud mental desde el inicio de la pandemia de coronavirus, sin…
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En reconocimiento al Día de la Madre – Haga las paces

El Día de la Madre se acerca el domingo 8 de mayo y para muchos de nosotros brinda la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre nuestras relaciones con nuestras madres. En algunos casos, esto no es una tarea fácil. Si bien muchos de nosotros recurrimos a nuestras madres en busca de consuelo y orientación, para otros, nuestras…
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In Recognition of Mother’s Day – Make Amends

Mother’s Day is approaching on Sunday, May 8th, and for many of us, it provides an opportunity to reflect on our relationships with our mothers. In some cases, this is not an easy task. While many of us may turn to our mothers for comfort and guidance, for others, our relationships with our mothers are…
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Educating Children About Money Makes Dollars and Sense

April is National Financial Literacy Month and April 9th-16th is Smart Money Week. Both provide opportunities to address the importance of money management and financial literacy. Talking about finances is difficult. Financial problems are among the top reasons why relationships fail. Yet, for those who experience hardships due to gambling, it is imperative that these…
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