With problem gambling, money is the drug that fuels the addiction. When gambling becomes a problem, setting and sticking to limits on time and money spent is one of the first things to go out the door. This happens when someone has crossed the line into, at best, problem gambling, or worse, disordered gambling. If…
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¿Hay momentos en los que sientes que estás empujando una roca cuesta arriba y no avanzas? Así puede sentirse financieramente si tú o un ser querido está sufriendo de juego desordenado. El 14 de agosto de 2024 es el Día Nacional de Concienciación Financiera. Es un buen recordatorio para echar un vistazo y ver si…
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Do you have times when it feels as if you are pushing a rock up a hill – and getting nowhere fast? This can be how it feels financially, if you or your loved one is suffering from disordered gambling. August 14, 2024, is National Financial Awareness Day. It’s a good reminder to take a…
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No hay nada mejor que reunirse con su familia y pasar un tiempo de calidad juntos mientras leen un buen libro. Durante el mes nacional del aprendizaje familiar, queremos animar a los miembros de la familia de todas las edades a repasar sus habilidades de aprendizaje a medida que abordamos el creciente problema de la…
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There’s nothing better than gathering with your family and spending some quality time together while reading a good book. During National Family Literacy Month, we want to encourage family members of all ages to brush up on their literacy skills as we tackle the growing issue of lack of education surrounding problem gambling. Next time…
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April is National Financial Literacy Month and April 9th-16th is Smart Money Week. Both provide opportunities to address the importance of money management and financial literacy. Talking about finances is difficult. Financial problems are among the top reasons why relationships fail. Yet, for those who experience hardships due to gambling, it is imperative that these…
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Abril es el Mes Nacional de la Educación Financiera y del 9 al 16 de abril se celebra la Semana del Dinero Inteligente. Ambos brindan oportunidades para abordar la importancia de la administración del dinero y la educación financiera. Hablar de finanzas es difícil. Los problemas financieros se encuentran entre las principales razones por las…
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