
Tag: #MentalHealth

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Millions of Floridians Have Staked Far More Than Pride on Super Bowl LIX

As Super Bowl LIX approaches, millions of Floridians are gearing up for the biggest sporting event of the year. While for many, the day is about football, food, and fun, for others, it can trigger or exacerbate gambling problems. With the American Gaming Association projecting a record $1.39 billion in legal wagers for this year’s…
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The Erosion of Morals and Values: A Consequence of Problem Gambling

When we find ourselves caught in the grip of addiction, particularly problem gambling, we often experience a profound shift in our core values and moral compass. These fundamental aspects of our character, which we may have taken for granted, suddenly come into sharp focus as they begin to erode under the weight of addictive behavior.…
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The Relationship Between Problem Gambling and Stress

Many people gamble, and most can do so safely as a form of recreation. But for some who are at a higher risk for addiction, or use gambling to decompress and escape from life stressors, it can become a much bigger issue. There are many reasons someone starts gambling. For most, it’s a social experience…
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Why Loved Ones of Problem Gamblers Need Support, Too

Living with someone who has a problem with gambling can be life changing. The problem may have started slow with just recreational gambling for fun, and you may have joined them. The problem may have been there before you came into their lives, but because part of this disease is pathological lying, you may have…
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World Mental Health Day: A Focus on Problem Gambling in Florida

Did you know that October 10th is World Mental Health Day? The theme for this awareness event in 2024 is “Mental Health at Work”.1 To mark the occasion, the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) wants to highlight the critical connection between mental health and problem gambling. This year’s theme resonates deeply with our mission,…
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Por qué Vivir Saludablemente Parece Imposible Cuando Tu ser Querido Sufre de Adicción al Juego

Hoy en día no puedes pasar un día sin escuchar algo sobre cómo llevar un estilo de vida saludable. Pero, ¿qué pasa si vives con alguien que sufre de trastorno del juego? ¿Cómo puedes llevar un estilo de vida saludable cuando estás sumido en el estrés, la preocupación, el dolor y la ira? No estás…
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Why Living Healthy Feels Impossible When Your Loved One Suffers from Gambling Addiction

These days you can’t get through a day without hearing something about how to live a healthy lifestyle. But what if you are living with someone suffering from gambling disorder? How do you live a healthy lifestyle when you are engulfed in stress, worry, grief, and anger? You are not alone in these feelings, and…
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Para Vencer la Recaída en la Recuperación de la Ludopatía, Conozca Sus Señales de Advertencia

La posibilidad de recaída es una realidad en la recuperación de la adicción al juego. Debe esperarse, pero eso no significa que tenga que suceder. No deje que su cerebro desordenado lo convenza de una recaída solo porque alguien le diga que sucede. La recuperación es un viaje en un campo minado de muchos deslices…
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To Beat Relapse in Problem Gambling Recovery, Know Your Warning Signs

The possibility of relapse is a reality in recovery from gambling addiction. It needs to be expected, but that doesn’t mean it has to happen. Don’t let the disordered brain talk you into a relapse, just because someone tells you it happens. Recovery is a journey in a minefield of many slips and challenges. A…
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Descubre el Poder de Mantener la Vida Simple

Todos llevamos vidas ocupadas. Con la rapidez con la que se mueve el mundo, es casi imposible no hacerlo. A medida que envejecemos, se añaden cada vez más factores estresantes a las cargas que ya llevamos con nosotros a diario. ¿Sabías que el Día Nacional de la Simplicidad se celebra el 12 de julio? Es…
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