
Author: The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling, Inc.

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Descubre el Poder de Mantener la Vida Simple

Todos llevamos vidas ocupadas. Con la rapidez con la que se mueve el mundo, es casi imposible no hacerlo. A medida que envejecemos, se añaden cada vez más factores estresantes a las cargas que ya llevamos con nosotros a diario. ¿Sabías que el Día Nacional de la Simplicidad se celebra el 12 de julio? Es…
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Discover the Power of Keeping Life Simple

We all live busy lives. As fast as the world moves, it is almost impossible not to. As we age, more and more life stressors are added to the piles we already carry with us on a daily basis. Did you know that National Simplicity Day is celebrated on July 12th? It is a day…
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WEB LETTER: High-Risk College Students a Concern Amid Rising Sports Betting Access

Did you know that college students are at a higher risk for the development of gambling addiction? In 2008, the FCCG’s Florida college student gambling and problem gambling prevalence study found that an alarming 14.5% were at risk for gambling problems (compared with 7.1% of the Florida adult population) while 2.7% met the criteria for…
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WEB LETTER: Shine the Light on Problem Gambling During National Women’s Health Week

National Women’s Health Week, which began on Mother’s Day and this year runs May 12-18, 2024, was officially established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 1999 to promote a better understanding of women’s health issues among women of all ages.[1] This is a great time to shine the light on how…
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WEB LETTER: Highlighting Gambling Disorder During National Minority Health Month

It is always a good time to check in on everyone around us to and ask if they are doing alright, both mentally and physically. Did you know that April is National Minority Health Month (NMHM)? This annual event works to raise awareness about health disparities that continue to affect people from racial and ethnic…
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WEB LETTER: For Those Suffering from Problem Gambling, It Has Never Had a More Fitting Name – March Madness

Problem Gambling Awareness Month occurs annually in March, in part due to the wagering frenzy associated with the NCAA collegiate basketball championship tournament – known to many as March Madness. This year, March Madness is in action from Selection Sunday on March 17th until the NCAA Championship Game on April 8th. Like the Super Bowl,…
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WEB LETTER: How NFT & Cryptocurrency Trading Can Be Just Another Form of Gambling

Are you familiar with the new “investment” rage of Non-Fungible Token (NFT) and cryptocurrency trading? NFT day trading, cryptocurrency day trading, and stock market day trading have more in common with slot machines, poker, and sports betting than you might think. They all involve the act of risking something of value on an activity that…
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WEB LETTER: The Importance of Loving Yourself on the Path to Recovery

January is self-love month and what a great way to start the new year! You might make a resolution for yourself as a way to begin to take better care of yourself mentally, physically, intentionally, and authentically. By taking better care of yourself, YOU feel better, more positive, and stronger to take on anything that…
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CBS Miami Reports Surge of 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine Contacts Following Florida Gambling Expansion

On December 20, 2023, CBS Miami reported on a surge of contacts to the 24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual 888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine for Florida. The uptick in gambling addiction help seekers follows the largest gambling expansion in U.S. history, with the introduction of mobile sports betting in the State of Florida. Florida Council on Compulsive…
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WEB LETTER: Move Over Scrooge – How the Hidden Addiction Can Really Ruin the Holidays

Most look forward to the holidays as a special time of year time for family and friends to enjoy together, and some also take the time to deepen their faith and spirituality. However, for those suffering from gambling addiction, the experience is completely different. What used to be an annual celebration becomes a looming threat…
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