
Author: The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling Inc.

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Educating Children About Money Makes Dollars and Sense

April is National Financial Literacy Month and April 9th-16th is Smart Money Week. Both provide opportunities to address the importance of money management and financial literacy. Talking about finances is difficult. Financial problems are among the top reasons why relationships fail. Yet, for those who experience hardships due to gambling, it is imperative that these…
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Hay esperanza en Florida para los que luchan con problemas de juego

Abril es el Mes Nacional de la Esperanza [1] y el Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling quiere que los residentes de Sunshine State sepan que la esperanza es una realidad para aquellos que luchan con dificultades debido al juego. Con frecuencia, las personas que se comunican con nuestra línea de ayuda para problemas con el…
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Hope Exists in Florida for Those Struggling with Gambling Problems

April is the National Month of Hope [1] and the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling wants Sunshine State residents to know that hope is a reality for those struggling with difficulties due to gambling. All too often, individuals contacting our 888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine report feelings of hopelessness. Hopelessness occurs when problem gamblers see no…
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Costos personales y sociales de la adicción al juego

Marzo es el mes de concientización sobre el problema del juego. Es un momento para reconocer que el juego es un comportamiento que, para la mayoría de las personas, es recreativo y no problemático, pero que puede ser problemático para otros. Las razones por las que la gente juega varían. Por ejemplo, ciertas personas participan…
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Personal and Social Costs of Gambling Addiction

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month. It is a time to recognize that gambling is a behavior that, for most people, is recreational and non-problematic, yet can be problematic for others. The reasons why people gamble vary. For example, certain people partake because it provides a social outlet to meet with loved ones and friends, while others…
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The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling is Raising Awareness on National Gambling Disorder Screening Day

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 8, 2022 CONTACT: Jennifer Kruse, 407-865-6200 SANFORD, FL: March is National Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) in the United States, an annual event that increases public awareness about problem gambling, and the availability of prevention, treatment, and recovery services.  Another emphasis is to encourage healthcare providers to screen clients for problem…
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For Problem Gamblers, March Madness is No Game!

March is National Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) across the U.S., which occurs at a perfect time, considering the onset of March Madness on Sunday, March 13th, the NCAA’s collegiate championship tournament. Since sports betting became legal in 2018, today 30 states have sanctioned it, and March Madness has become one of the most popular…
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¡Para los jugadores con problemas, March Madness no es un juego!

Marzo es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre Problemas con las Apuestas (PGAM) en los Estados Unidos, que ocurre en un momento perfecto, considerando el inicio de March Madness el domingo 13 de marzo, el torneo de campeonato universitario de la NCAA. Desde que las apuestas deportivas se legalizaron en 2018, hoy en día 30…
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Sports Betting Stealing the Spotlight? 888-ADMIT-IT is the Game Plan for Football’s Grand Finale.

SANFORD, Fla. — Football’s big game is this Sunday, February 13th, and millions of Americans are gearing up to watch who is going to be the victor on the playing field and in the betting arena. According to Jennifer Kruse, Executive Director of the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling, “While football has been an American…
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Este San Valentín, empieza a amarte a ti mismo

El 14 de febrero es el Día de San Valentín, que normalmente se celebra compartiendo amor y afecto por otra persona. Sin embargo, muchas veces no nos damos cuenta de que, si no nos amamos a nosotros mismos, es difícil sentirse realmente feliz. “Aprender a amarse a sí mismo es importante para vivir más feliz…
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