
Tag: #AddictionAwareness

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Thinking You’re Helping While Fanning the Flames: Understanding Enabling in the Context of Problem Gambling

Problem gambling is a complex issue that affects not only the individual struggling with the addiction but also their loved ones. It’s important to address the often-overlooked aspect of family enabling in the context of problem gambling. This blog post aims to shed light on this crucial topic and provide insights for those affected by…
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The Risky Parallels: Cashless Gambling and Video Game Microtransactions

In recent years, both the gambling industry and the video game industry have embraced digital payment methods, introducing cashless gambling technology and microtransactions, respectively. While these innovations offer convenience, they also present concerning parallels when it comes to the risks of developing gambling problems. Ease of Spending One of the most significant similarities between cashless…
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The Hidden Holiday Struggle: Supporting Loved Ones of Problem Gamblers

The holiday season, often portrayed as a time of joy and togetherness, can be particularly challenging for families affected by problem gambling. While many experience increased stress during this period, those close to individuals struggling with gambling addiction face unique and intense pressures. If you’re in Florida and need support, remember that help is available…
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Gift Responsibly Campaign: Keep the Scratch Offs Out of Kids’ Stockings

Every December, we raise awareness about the dangers of gifting lottery tickets for children during the holiday season and beyond with the Gift Responsibly Campaign, and this year is no different. This holiday season, the FCCG is advocating for a thoughtful approach to gifting—one that spreads joy without inadvertently increasing problem gambling risk in children. …
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Setting Boundaries for a More Secure Way of Life

Setting boundaries can be difficult for many people, whether they are involved with someone who has a gambling problem or not. Most of us may be lucky enough not to have to find out what our limits are and in turn, put up boundaries. In this blog, we will help you define your boundaries as…
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World Mental Health Day: A Focus on Problem Gambling in Florida

Did you know that October 10th is World Mental Health Day? The theme for this awareness event in 2024 is “Mental Health at Work”.1 To mark the occasion, the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) wants to highlight the critical connection between mental health and problem gambling. This year’s theme resonates deeply with our mission,…
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Por qué Vivir Saludablemente Parece Imposible Cuando Tu ser Querido Sufre de Adicción al Juego

Hoy en día no puedes pasar un día sin escuchar algo sobre cómo llevar un estilo de vida saludable. Pero, ¿qué pasa si vives con alguien que sufre de trastorno del juego? ¿Cómo puedes llevar un estilo de vida saludable cuando estás sumido en el estrés, la preocupación, el dolor y la ira? No estás…
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Why Living Healthy Feels Impossible When Your Loved One Suffers from Gambling Addiction

These days you can’t get through a day without hearing something about how to live a healthy lifestyle. But what if you are living with someone suffering from gambling disorder? How do you live a healthy lifestyle when you are engulfed in stress, worry, grief, and anger? You are not alone in these feelings, and…
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Cómo el Juego Problemático Puede Causar Problemas de Salud Física

No importa quién seas, todos tenemos algún tipo de estrés en nuestras vidas. Hay estrés bueno y estrés malo. El estrés bueno se llama “eustrés” y puede ayudarte a motivarte, concentrarte y actuar cuando sea necesario de una manera positiva. Por otro lado, el estrés malo puede afectar negativamente la salud mental y física y…
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How Problem Gambling Can Cause Physical Health Issues

No matter who you are, everyone has some sort of stress in their lives. There is good stress and bad stress. Good stress is called “eustress” and can help you motivate, focus, and act when needed in a positive way. On the other hand, bad stress can negatively impact mental and physical health and has…
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