
Category: Problem Gambling Awareness Month

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Don’t Let Problem Gambling Remain Hidden During National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week 

March 18th to the 24th is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week in 2024. It is an opportunity to shine the light on the science of drug use and addiction among youth and adults, and its relationship, as well as similarities and differences, with problem gambling.  Disordered gambling should always be included in the discussion…
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WEB LETTER: For Those Suffering from Problem Gambling, It Has Never Had a More Fitting Name – March Madness

Problem Gambling Awareness Month occurs annually in March, in part due to the wagering frenzy associated with the NCAA collegiate basketball championship tournament – known to many as March Madness. This year, March Madness is in action from Selection Sunday on March 17th until the NCAA Championship Game on April 8th. Like the Super Bowl,…
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Why You Should Pause & Reflect on Your Gambling Habits During Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) 

Did you know that March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM)? It’s a great time to pause and examine your gambling habits. There are a few approaches to help you explore your gambling habits to see if you may have a problem or not. Even if there is the slightest doubt in your mind, about…
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¿Por qué deberías hacer una pausa y reflexionar sobre tus hábitos de juego durante el Mes de Concientización sobre el Juego Problemático (PGAM)? 

¿Sabías que marzo es el Mes de Concientización sobre el Juego Problemático (PGAM)? Es un momento ideal para hacer una pausa y examinar tus hábitos de juego. Hay varios enfoques que pueden ayudarte a explorar tus hábitos de juego para ver si puedes tener un problema o no. Incluso si hay la más mínima duda…
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Este Mes de Marzo, Haga de la Esperanza y la Curación una Parte de su Plan de Juego

Ya sea que haya conseguido asientos para ver a su equipo favorito batallar en la cancha o que esté organizando una fiesta para ver los partidos desde la comodidad de su sala de estar, suponemos que usted, junto con muchos otros estadounidenses, estará sintonizado con la emoción que es March Madness. Si bien este torneo…
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This March, Make Hope and Healing a Part of the Game Plan

Whether you scored seats to watch your favorite team battle it out on the court or are hosting a watch party from the comfort of your living room, we are guessing that you, along with many other Americans, will be tuned in to the excitement that is March Madness. While this tournament is a great…
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Festejamos a las Mujeres de Nuestras Vidas y Rompemos el Sesgo en la Búsqueda de Esperanza y Sanación

A lo largo de la historia, las mujeres han dado grandes pasos, rompiendo barreras sociales, económicas, políticas y culturales en la lucha por la igualdad. En el Día Internacional de la Mujer el 8 de marzo y el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer durante todo marzo, estamos festejando estos avances mientras mantenemos la…
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Celebrating the Women in Our Lives and Breaking the Bias on Seeking Hope and Healing

Throughout history, women have made great strides, breaking through social, economic, political, and cultural barriers in the fight for equality. On International Women’s Day on March 8th and Women’s History Month throughout March, we are celebrating these breakthroughs while keeping an eye on future generations of politicians, parents, students, doctors, neighbors, friends, and so much…
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The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling is Raising Awareness on National Gambling Disorder Screening Day

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 8, 2022 CONTACT: Jennifer Kruse, 407-865-6200 SANFORD, FL: March is National Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) in the United States, an annual event that increases public awareness about problem gambling, and the availability of prevention, treatment, and recovery services.  Another emphasis is to encourage healthcare providers to screen clients for problem…
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¡Para los jugadores con problemas, March Madness no es un juego!

Marzo es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre Problemas con las Apuestas (PGAM) en los Estados Unidos, que ocurre en un momento perfecto, considerando el inicio de March Madness el domingo 13 de marzo, el torneo de campeonato universitario de la NCAA. Desde que las apuestas deportivas se legalizaron en 2018, hoy en día 30…
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