
Category: Problem Gambling Awareness Month

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Octubre es un mes para honrar a los adultos mayores

Octubre es un mes para honrar a los adultos mayores. El 1 de octubre es el Día Internacional de las Personas Mayores, establecido por las Naciones Unidas (ONU), para crear conciencia pública sobre los problemas que afectan a las personas mayores. El tema de este año, Equidad digital para todas las edades, se centra en…
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La Recuperación Puede Tomar Muchas Formas Diferentes, ¡Siempre que Funcione para Usted!

“El Mes Nacional de la Recuperación (Mes de la Recuperación) es una celebración nacional que se celebra cada septiembre para informar a los estadounidenses de que el tratamiento por abuso de sustancias y los servicios de salud mental pueden permitir que las personas con un trastorno mental o por abuso de sustancias vivan una vida…
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Recovery Can Take Many Different Forms – As Long as It Works for You!

“National Recovery Month (Recovery Month) is a national observance held every September to educate Americans that substance use treatment and mental health services can enable those with a mental and/or substance use disorder to live a healthy and rewarding life [1].” Many Americans are struggling from the effects of gambling, drug, and alcohol addiction, and…
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The Goals of Women’s History Month and Problem Gambling Awareness Month Go Beyond March

Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) and Women’s History Month both happen in March, but that doesn’t mean the importance of these recognitions end there. It is always in our best interests to honor the contributions of women to history, culture, and society and likewise, to identify and raise awareness about the impacts that gambling addiction…
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The Connection Between March Madness and Problem Gambling Awareness Month

Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) coincides with March Madness, the popular NCAA basketball single-elimination tournament, and this is not by accident. Collectively, the games in the tournament will attract more in wagers than even the NFL’s Big Game. Following 2020, when March Madness was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, sports bettors are eager to…
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Why Our Theme for Problem Gambling Awareness Month is “Shine the Light on Problem Gambling: Changing the Game”

On the one-year anniversary since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S, we can reflect on how this new way of life has affected the issue of problem gambling. The one thing that has remained constant throughout this period has been our commitment to serving Florida by providing hope and help for those affected by gambling…
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Celebrating Black History Month to Raise Awareness About Problem Gambling Prevention

As we honor the history, traditions, and progress of all Black Americans during Black History Month, we must also recognize the challenges, including problem gambling. Problem gambling has many effects on an individual’s life, including but not limited to financial, relational, mental, and physical impacts. Consequences exist, such as elevated rates of anxiety, mood, and…
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Gambling Under the Guise of Investment: The Stock Market Day Trading Craze

Gambling is the act of risking anything of value on an activity that has an uncertain outcome. Though not often recognized as such, day trading on the stock market constitutes a form of gambling, and today’s trading apps and websites make it easier than ever. At the end of January, a thread on Reddit fueled…
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When Relationships Fall Victim to Problem Gambling

Many celebrate love, romance, and relationships during February and on Valentine’s Day. While no relationship is perfect, some endure significant hardship due to the presence of addiction, and gambling addiction is no exception. Did you know that relationship problems have been the top reported reason for seeking help by contacts to the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine for…
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COVID-19: Risks of Passing the Time with Online Gambling

With COVID-19 forcing everyone to stay inside and isolated, a lot of people are turning more to digital devices as forms of entertainment and discovering that many online pastimes contain elements of gambling. For many people, gambling is a safe recreational pastime. However, for some, it can turn into a dangerous addiction. From the man…
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