Many people gamble, and most can do so safely as a form of recreation. But for some who are at a higher risk for addiction, or use gambling to decompress and escape from life stressors, it can become a much bigger issue. There are many reasons someone starts gambling. For most, it’s a social experience…
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Living with someone who has a problem with gambling can be life changing. The problem may have started slow with just recreational gambling for fun, and you may have joined them. The problem may have been there before you came into their lives, but because part of this disease is pathological lying, you may have…
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Did you know that October 10th is World Mental Health Day? The theme for this awareness event in 2024 is “Mental Health at Work”.1 To mark the occasion, the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) wants to highlight the critical connection between mental health and problem gambling. This year’s theme resonates deeply with our mission,…
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We all know the word “enable”, but it is not until you experience the impacts of a loved one’s addiction that you realize the true meaning of the word. As a loved one of a problem gambler, you can begin to understand the emotional, mental, and possible physical pain that their behaviors cause you. If…
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National Recovery Month, observed every September, is a vital initiative that sheds light on the importance of recovery from mental health and substance use disorders, including gambling addiction.1, 2 This annual observance, established in 1989, aims to educate Americans about the availability and effectiveness of the resources, services, and support systems for those in need, while…
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Every September is recognized as Responsible Gaming Education Month (RGEM). The primary purpose of RGEM is to shed light on problem gambling while encouraging responsible gambling, and bring awareness and access to help for individuals, families, and communities in need. The American Gaming Association (AGA) leads the RGEM campaign nationwide and encourages gambling operators and patrons…
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Hoy en día no puedes pasar un día sin escuchar algo sobre cómo llevar un estilo de vida saludable. Pero, ¿qué pasa si vives con alguien que sufre de trastorno del juego? ¿Cómo puedes llevar un estilo de vida saludable cuando estás sumido en el estrés, la preocupación, el dolor y la ira? No estás…
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These days you can’t get through a day without hearing something about how to live a healthy lifestyle. But what if you are living with someone suffering from gambling disorder? How do you live a healthy lifestyle when you are engulfed in stress, worry, grief, and anger? You are not alone in these feelings, and…
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¿Hay momentos en los que sientes que estás empujando una roca cuesta arriba y no avanzas? Así puede sentirse financieramente si tú o un ser querido está sufriendo de juego desordenado. El 14 de agosto de 2024 es el Día Nacional de Concienciación Financiera. Es un buen recordatorio para echar un vistazo y ver si…
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Do you have times when it feels as if you are pushing a rock up a hill – and getting nowhere fast? This can be how it feels financially, if you or your loved one is suffering from disordered gambling. August 14, 2024, is National Financial Awareness Day. It’s a good reminder to take a…
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