
Category: 888-ADMIT-IT

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Cómo el Juego Desordenado Afecta 8 Áreas Importantes de la Vida y Cómo Prevenir una Recaída Durante la Triple Corona 

¿Has estado mintiéndo a alguien sobre tu juego? ¿Estás preocupado de que alguien te haya estado mintiendo sobre su juego? Cuando el juego se sale de control y sientes que estás perdiendo el control, contactar a la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT es la mejor manera de encontrar esperanza y recursos para la recuperación en Florida,…
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How Disordered Gambling Impacts 8 Major Life Areas and How to Prevent a Relapse During the Triple Crown 

Have you been lying to someone about your gambling? Are you worried someone has been lying to you about his or her gambling? When gambling gets out of hand and you feel like you are spinning out of control, contacting the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine is the best way to find hope and resources for recovery in…
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Keeping Values and Beliefs Intact is Important When Living with Disordered Gambling 

If you are living with someone suffering from problem gambling, you may have found you have lost a piece of yourself in the relationship. You may have given up some important values and beliefs in order to make your life easier and even to allow the disorder to continue without knowing it.   Many people have…
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Mantener Intactos los Valores y Creencias es Importante al Vivir con Juego Problemático

Si vives con alguien que sufre de juego problemático, es posible que hayas descubierto que has perdido una parte de ti mismo en la relación. Puede que hayas sacrificado algunos valores y creencias importantes para facilitar tu vida e incluso para permitir que el trastorno continúe sin darte cuenta.  Muchas personas nunca se han sentado…
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Cómo Establecer Metas Realistas para Tener Éxito en la Recuperación del Juego Problemático 

Si estás considerando que tu juego puede estar fuera de control, aquí hay algo que debes tener en cuenta: ¿de qué manera te satisface el juego? Muchos jugadores comienzan a jugar por diversión, como una forma de socializar con otros, mientras que algunos dicen que es “para ganar dinero”. El juego problemático puede comenzar cuando…
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How to Set Realistic Goals for Success in Problem Gambling Recovery 

If you are considering that your gambling may be getting out of control, here is something to consider: in what ways does gambling fulfill you? Many gamblers start off gambling for fun, as a way to be social with others, while some say it is “to make money.” Problem gambling can begin when someone thinks…
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WEB LETTER: Highlighting Gambling Disorder During National Minority Health Month

It is always a good time to check in on everyone around us to and ask if they are doing alright, both mentally and physically. Did you know that April is National Minority Health Month (NMHM)? This annual event works to raise awareness about health disparities that continue to affect people from racial and ethnic…
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No permitas que el juego problemático permanezca oculto durante la Semana Nacional de Datos sobre Drogas y Alcohol 

Del 18 al 24 de marzo es la Semana Nacional de Datos sobre Drogas y Alcohol en 2024. Es una oportunidad para arrojar luz sobre la ciencia del consumo de drogas y la adicción entre jóvenes y adultos, y su relación, así como similitudes y diferencias, con el juego problemático.  El juego desordenado siempre debe…
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Don’t Let Problem Gambling Remain Hidden During National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week 

March 18th to the 24th is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week in 2024. It is an opportunity to shine the light on the science of drug use and addiction among youth and adults, and its relationship, as well as similarities and differences, with problem gambling.  Disordered gambling should always be included in the discussion…
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WEB LETTER: For Those Suffering from Problem Gambling, It Has Never Had a More Fitting Name – March Madness

Problem Gambling Awareness Month occurs annually in March, in part due to the wagering frenzy associated with the NCAA collegiate basketball championship tournament – known to many as March Madness. This year, March Madness is in action from Selection Sunday on March 17th until the NCAA Championship Game on April 8th. Like the Super Bowl,…
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