WEB LETTER: How NFT & Cryptocurrency Trading Can Be Just Another Form of Gambling

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WEB LETTER: How NFT & Cryptocurrency Trading Can Be Just Another Form of Gambling

[IMAGE] WEB LETTER: How NFT & Cryptocurrency Trading Can Be Just Another Form of Gambling

Are you familiar with the new “investment” rage of Non-Fungible Token (NFT) and cryptocurrency trading? NFT day trading, cryptocurrency day trading, and stock market day trading have more in common with slot machines, poker, and sports betting than you might think. They all involve the act of risking something of value on an activity that has an uncertain outcome – or simply put, gambling. Though not often recognized as such, day trading on the stock market – or with NFTs or cryptocurrencies – constitutes a form of gambling, and today’s trading apps and websites make it easier than ever.

Read the February Web Letter to learn more and how the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine provides help and hope for any type of gambling problem.

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