
Tag: #GamblingAddiction

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Prevención del Suicidio: Examinando el Juego Compulsivo como una Causa Raíz

Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Prevención del Suicidio. Lamentablemente, los datos provisionales de 2022 revelaron la cifra más alta de muertes anuales por suicidio registrada. Tras ajustarla por el crecimiento de la población y la edad, la tasa de suicidios ha aumentado en un impactante 16% desde 2011 [1]. El FCCG…
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The Emotional Meaning of Money and a Tragic Cycle in Disguise

Society has taught us unhealthy false beliefs and values about our attachments to and misuse of money, to the point that it becomes shaming. We are taught not to talk about money: it’s personal business. We have been taught beliefs and values about money since childhood from those close to us, often without fully comprehending…
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El Significado Emocional del Dinero y un Ciclo Trágico Disfrazado

La sociedad nos ha inculcado creencias y valores falsos e insanos sobre nuestra relación y mal uso del dinero, llegando al punto de avergonzarnos. Nos enseñan a no hablar de dinero: es un asunto personal. Desde la infancia, nos transmiten creencias y valores sobre el dinero por parte de quienes nos rodean, a menudo sin…
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Understanding Codependency and How Loved Ones May Enable the Problem Gambler

When we think of codependency, many relate it to an addiction like drugs and alcohol. Problem gambling is another addiction that can lead to codependency, and a family may find themselves behaving in ways to support the gambler and pushing their own wants and needs aside. It is important to know that the 888-ADMIT-IT Problem…
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Entendiendo la Codependencia y Cómo los Seres Queridos Pueden Habilitar al Jugador Compulsivo

Cuando pensamos en la codependencia, muchas personas la asocian con adicciones como las drogas y el alcohol. Sin embargo, el juego problemático es otra adicción que puede llevar a la codependencia, donde una familia puede encontrarse actuando de maneras que apoyan al jugador y dejando de lado sus propios deseos y necesidades. Es importante saber…
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WEB LETTER | Two Letters Make a Big Difference: Illegal Gambling Disguised in Florida as Arcade Gaming

Easily accessible, illegal gambling disguised as arcade gaming has spread to thousands of strip malls and stand-alone storefronts all over Florida. As a result, the FCCG’s 888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine is experiencing a surge in contacts related to these shady establishments[1], sometimes referred to as “game rooms” or “gambling houses.” Download our August 2023 Web…
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El Estigma que Rodea a las Apuestas Problemáticas y la Promoción del Autocuidado

El 24 de julio, celebramos el Día Internacional del Autocuidado, elegido para subrayar ante nuestra comunidad global que el autocuidado es una piedra angular del bienestar general. A medida que continuamos descubriendo más y más cuán importante es el autocuidado hoy en día, aprendemos que es más que lo que hacemos por nosotros mismos. Cuidar…
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The Stigma Surrounding Problem Gambling and Promoting Self-Care

On July 24th, we are celebrating International Self Care Day, chosen to emphasize to our global community that self-care is a cornerstone to overall wellness. As we continue to find out more and more just how important self-care is today, we learn that it is more than something we do for ourselves. By caring for…
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WEB LETTER | Raising Problem Gambling Awareness on National Lottery Day

Although we kicked off the month of July celebrating our independence, the truth is many Americans have become dependent on the rush of gambling on lottery tickets. National Lottery Day is on July 17th, and FCCG wants to take this opportunity to educate Floridians on the realities of the lottery and how you can reclaim…
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Have You Ever Had Thoughts That Maybe Your Gambling Habits Might Be Crossing an Invisible Line?

The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) would like to take this opportunity to share how the professionals consider and diagnose the differing stages of gambling. Problem gambling and compulsive gambling are synonyms for the clinical term, “disordered gambling”, which is classified as a Substance-Related and Addictive Disorder in the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic…
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