Grieving is a natural process and a natural part of life. It is healthy to grieve any loss sustained in our lives. No matter how big or small, or what anyone thinks, only we can know when, how, and for how long we should grieve the loss. Most never consider the loss of a partner…
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To achieve effective recovery with disordered gambling, it is crucial to understand the psychology addressing the cycle of gambling action. It is also just as important to gain the skills to get out of the cycle and into recovery. Think of it as if you are on a merry-go-round, and you must find a way…
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Do you have a friend, family member, or loved one who is experiencing problem gambling? If so, then you understand how devastating it can be not only financially, but emotionally, because you are also experiencing the negative impacts of problem gambling yourself. Calling or texting 888-ADMIT-IT is a great first step to finding better understanding…
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Para encontrar la recuperación de la adicción al juego compulsivo, es importante entender en primer lugar que debes realizar cambios significativos en tu vida. Esto puede parecer difícil o incluso imposible al principio, pero con el conocimiento y el apoyo que puedes encontrar con solo llamar o enviar un mensaje de texto al 888-ADMIT-IT, ¡estarás…
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¡No estás solo! Muchas familias, seres queridos y amigos de jugadores problemáticos pueden verse gravemente afectados mental, física y financieramente por esta adicción oculta. Es crucial que establezcas límites y cuides de ti mismo. Al igual que cuando escuchas las instrucciones de seguridad en un avión, dicen que te pongas tu propia máscara primero, porque…
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El 24 de julio, celebramos el Día Internacional del Autocuidado, elegido para subrayar ante nuestra comunidad global que el autocuidado es una piedra angular del bienestar general. A medida que continuamos descubriendo más y más cuán importante es el autocuidado hoy en día, aprendemos que es más que lo que hacemos por nosotros mismos. Cuidar…
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On July 24th, we are celebrating International Self Care Day, chosen to emphasize to our global community that self-care is a cornerstone to overall wellness. As we continue to find out more and more just how important self-care is today, we learn that it is more than something we do for ourselves. By caring for…
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Gambling in the United States has become a preferred pastime. Here in Florida, gambling opportunities have increased, as has the senior population, which has been growing more rapidly than any other age group. For most Florida seniors, as is true for most Americans, gambling is a form of entertainment that does not present any difficulty…
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For those seeking on-demand options, or who lack insurance, or the ability to pay for in-person counseling services, the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine provides problem gamblers with immediate access to interactive problem gambling supports, through the FCCG’s Online Program for Problem Gamblers (OPPG). The core content for this program has been derived from experts in the field…
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The generations before us have paved the way for our future and the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling is taking this opportunity to celebrate the senior citizens in our lives during Senior Independence Month. This month was designed to honor a senior’s independence and draw attention to activities and programs that can help them maintain…
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