
Category: Mental Health

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Celebrating National Recovery Month: Treatment is Available for Gambling Addiction

National Recovery Month is a national observance held every September to educate Americans that treatment services can enable those with mental health and substance use disorders to live healthy and rewarding lives. Our goal is to provide hope and help to the individuals who want to get started on the path to recovery from problem…
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The Importance of Strong Mental Health in the Fight Against Suicide and Problem Gambling

Protecting our mental health should be a priority in our daily lives; September 6-12, 2020, is National Suicide Prevention Week. More than ever, we are taking steps to prevent suicide and effects that may come from gambling addiction. No one has escaped from the changes that this pandemic has brought on the world. Even though…
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Showing Care for Our Seniors Through Problem Gambling Prevention

Within the past 20 years, gambling in the United States has become a preferred pastime. Here in Florida, gambling opportunities have increased, as has the senior population, which has been growing more rapidly than any other age group.  For most Florida seniors, as is true for most Americans, gambling is a form of entertainment that…
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The Importance of Self-Forgiveness on the Path to Recovery from Gambling Addiction

Gambling disorder is treatable and is widely recognized in the mental health community. Many individuals that have or are currently struggling with problem gambling face many difficulties, including but not limited to financial and legal troubles, emotional and domestic problems, family conflict, suicidal thoughts or attempts, and other mental health and domestic challenges such as…
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With Gambling Addiction, Getting Rid of the “I Could Haves and Should Haves” Starts with Reaching Out for Help

The blame game? Have you ever played it? Felt it? Do you know it? It comes along the lines of blaming yourself for something you “should have done” or “could have done better.” It begins with a feeling within yourself, most often a negative feeling, that burns within you that in the past, you should…
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As Florida’s Gambling Venues Reopen, Prevention of Problem Gambling Needs to be Top-of-Mind

While we are all still navigating our new normal , Florida’s gambling facilities are starting to reopen with new safety measures, including installing plexiglass, rigorous cleaning schedules, reduced capacity, and even disposing of cards and chips to help avoid the spread of the virus. But much like we need to prevent the spread of COVID-19,…
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When Tensions are This High, Unplugging Should Sound Nice

So far, 2020 has presented our society and the world with challenges that were unthinkable in the recent past. Not only that – today’s issues are dividing us like never before. Tune into almost any news station or app, and you might feel anxious, angry, fearful, or sad after reading the first few headlines. This…
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Florida’s 888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine Data Reveals Callers in Crisis Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 26, 2020 CONTACT: Jennifer Kruse, Executive Director, Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (407) 865-6200, gamblinghelp.org   Florida’s 888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine Data Reveals Callers in Crisis Amid COVID-19 Pandemic Sanford, FL: As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to reshape life as we had once known it, closures of traditional brick-and-mortar gambling facilities…
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Moving Forward with the Spirit of Those Who Gave All

First and foremost, the FCCG would like to pass on gratitude for those that gave ALL to support our freedoms and way of life. Without the men and women that made the ultimate sacrifice, we would not be the great country that we are. As we remember the valor of our country’s fallen heroes on…
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This May, Mental Health Month is More Important Than Ever

The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) would like to spread a message of peace, harmony, and well wishes to those who need it most during this pandemic.   May is Mental Health Month and in 2020, that means more than ever. Over 47 million Americans suffered from diagnosable mental health disorders in 2018.[1]  These…
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