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5 Questions March Madness is Leading You Down a Dark Path

5 Questions March Madness is Leading You Down a Dark Path March 31, 2016 Both Problem Gambling Awareness Month and March Madness are drawing near their natural conclusions. In the addiction arena, we have spent the month spreading awareness about how problem gambling impacts the lives of millions of Americans. With betting becoming more accessible,…
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Problem Gambling Awareness Month

Problem Gambling Awareness Month March 8, 2016 March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month and with every March, the addiction support community rallies together in a grand push to raise awareness about a public health issue that has major impacts on our country. Millions of Americans are negatively impacted by problem gambling. Yet, it doesn’t get…
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4 Things You Need to do Before Going to the Casino

4 THINGS YOU NEED TO DO BEFORE GOING TO THE CASINO February 22, 2016   The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling recently participated as a vendor at the Dragon Parade, a community event in Orlando, Florida. The event was a celebration of Asian culture, and thousands of community members were in attendance. Of the many…
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Avoiding the big game like the plague… Inside the mind of a recovering sports gambler

Avoiding the big game like the plague… Inside the mind of a recovering sports gambler February 3, 2015 In just a few days, millions of people will tune in to watch a single event. It goes without saying, each year the NFL’s big game is the single most viewed sporting event on planet Earth. The…
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Dreaming of a 1.3 Billion Dollars Jackpot Makes Recovery Difficult…

Dreaming of a 1.3 Billion Dollars Jackpot Makes Recovery Difficult… January 11, 2015 The Powerball has made real headlines of late. As the record setting jackpot eclipses 1.3 billion dollars, Americans everywhere dream about what they would do with a lifetime of money. But before you go ahead and blow your next paycheck trying to…
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A New Year, a New You

A New Year, a New You December 31, 2015 As 2015 comes to a close, it is the perfect time to sit and reflect. What was your resolution last year? Did you keep it? If not, what road blocks got in the way? 2015 was an action packed year. It was a year that saw the rise of…
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The Holidays Were Supposed to be Fun….

The Holidays Were Supposed to be Fun…. December 15, 2015 The holiday season is synonymous with cheer, joy, and family. Every year, millions of people come together in celebration. Whatever your creed is, the holiday season is usually a time for joy. However, there is an unspoken truth that clouds the holiday season. The holidays…
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Responsible Gift Giving

Responsible Gift Giving December 2, 2015 Santa Says Give Responsibly. The holiday season is upon us. If you have survived Black Friday but aren’t done shopping, we have an important message for you. Give responsibly this holiday season! Everyone loves giving and receiving gifts but there are some parameters to consider when gifting. Make sure your…
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You are an addict… shhhh…

You are an addict… shhhh… November 15, 2015 If you struggle or know someone who struggles with addiction you understand the culture of silence that surrounds the topic. There is a shame and guilt that comes along with being an addict. While strides have been made in openly talking about addiction, one cannot deny that…
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Addiction Through the Eyes of a Poker Dealer

Addiction Through the Eyes of a Poker Dealer October 31, 2015 The universe has a funny way of working out. Recently, I was fortunate enough to play in a charity golf event that benefited abused children. Aside from playing a quality golf course for a great cause, I was paired up with two strangers. One…
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