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Dreaming of a 1.3 Billion Dollars Jackpot Makes Recovery Difficult…

Dreaming of a 1.3 Billion Dollars Jackpot Makes Recovery Difficult… January 11, 2015 The Powerball has made real headlines of late. As the record setting jackpot eclipses 1.3 billion dollars, Americans everywhere dream about what they would do with a lifetime of money. But before you go ahead and blow your next paycheck trying to…
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A New Year, a New You

A New Year, a New You December 31, 2015 As 2015 comes to a close, it is the perfect time to sit and reflect. What was your resolution last year? Did you keep it? If not, what road blocks got in the way? 2015 was an action packed year. It was a year that saw the rise of…
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The Holidays Were Supposed to be Fun….

The Holidays Were Supposed to be Fun…. December 15, 2015 The holiday season is synonymous with cheer, joy, and family. Every year, millions of people come together in celebration. Whatever your creed is, the holiday season is usually a time for joy. However, there is an unspoken truth that clouds the holiday season. The holidays…
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Responsible Gift Giving

Responsible Gift Giving December 2, 2015 Santa Says Give Responsibly. The holiday season is upon us. If you have survived Black Friday but aren’t done shopping, we have an important message for you. Give responsibly this holiday season! Everyone loves giving and receiving gifts but there are some parameters to consider when gifting. Make sure your…
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You are an addict… shhhh…

You are an addict… shhhh… November 15, 2015 If you struggle or know someone who struggles with addiction you understand the culture of silence that surrounds the topic. There is a shame and guilt that comes along with being an addict. While strides have been made in openly talking about addiction, one cannot deny that…
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Addiction Through the Eyes of a Poker Dealer

Addiction Through the Eyes of a Poker Dealer October 31, 2015 The universe has a funny way of working out. Recently, I was fortunate enough to play in a charity golf event that benefited abused children. Aside from playing a quality golf course for a great cause, I was paired up with two strangers. One…
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Domestic Violence – A Well Defined Problem with Foggy Solutions

Domestic Violence A Well Defined Problem with Foggy Solutions October 15, 2015 Every nine seconds a woman is beaten in America. That’s right, in America. By the time you are done reading this blog post, about 7-9 women will have been physically assaulted in the United States. We live in one of the most advanced, industrialized…
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The NCAA Cracks Down on Fantasy Sports

The NCAA Cracks Down on Fantasy Sports September 30, 2015 40 million Americans play fantasy sports. That number includes scores of college athletes. Call it the Pete Rose affect, but there is a general distaste for the of athletes partaking in gambling. The NCAA recently took a stand against fantasy sports, barring their players from…
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What to expect when you first call

What to expect when you first call September 15, 2015 For gamblers, the decision to enter into recovery is often not an easy one.  We live in a culture that reinforces the concept of, “pull yourself up by the bootstraps.” Within the addiction realm, there is a quiet voice that addicts have to contend with,…
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The New Gateway Drug

The New Gateway Drug September 4, 2015   The final preseason games have been played, which means that the NFL season in upon us. Professional football has become a staple of American culture. Every Monday, Thursday, and of course Sunday, millions of people will tune into watch their favorite team. Actually that last sentence is…
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