Every September is recognized as Responsible Gaming Education Month (RGEM). The primary purpose of RGEM is to shed light on problem gambling while encouraging responsible gambling, and bring awareness and access to help for individuals, families, and communities in need. The American Gaming Association (AGA) leads the RGEM campaign nationwide and encourages gambling operators and patrons…
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Octubre es un mes para honrar a los adultos mayores. El 1 de octubre es el Día Internacional de las Personas Mayores, establecido por las Naciones Unidas (ONU), para crear conciencia pública sobre los problemas que afectan a las personas mayores. El tema de este año, Equidad digital para todas las edades, se centra en…
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October is a time to honor older adults. October 1st is International Day of Older Persons, established by the United Nations (UN), to raise public awareness about issues affecting the elderly. This year’s theme, Digital Equity for All Ages, focuses on the growth of the internet, mobile applications, and all tools to collect, store, analyze,…
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As we get into holiday season mode, mentalities begin to shift to vacation, leisure activities, and family time. While 2020 has been an exceptional year and holiday gatherings will likely be tapered back due to the risk presented by COVID-19, the importance of raising awareness about the impacts of gambling addiction has only increased. It…
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Hobbies are essential for a healthy and well-rounded life. They provide us a much-needed opportunity to leave behind the stress of daily life and fill us with a sense of joy and relaxation. From extreme sports to drawing comics, types of hobbies are as diverse as the people that engage in them. As a…
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