
Tag: #ProblemGambling

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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CBS Miami Reports Surge of 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine Contacts Following Florida Gambling Expansion

On December 20, 2023, CBS Miami reported on a surge of contacts to the 24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual 888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine for Florida. The uptick in gambling addiction help seekers follows the largest gambling expansion in U.S. history, with the introduction of mobile sports betting in the State of Florida. Florida Council on Compulsive…
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WEB LETTER: Move Over Scrooge – How the Hidden Addiction Can Really Ruin the Holidays

Most look forward to the holidays as a special time of year time for family and friends to enjoy together, and some also take the time to deepen their faith and spirituality. However, for those suffering from gambling addiction, the experience is completely different. What used to be an annual celebration becomes a looming threat…
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WEB LETTER: Understanding How Problem Gambling Fits Into the Fraud Triangle

November 12th to the 18th is International Fraud Awareness Week. This is an important topic for anyone who is experiencing or knows someone who is suffering from compulsive gambling. Problem gambling is a progressive disorder. Without seeking recovery, it gets worse over time. When a disordered gambler gets to the point of being out of…
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Understanding Feelings and Emotions as a Loved One of a Problem Gambler

Do you have a friend, family member, or loved one who is experiencing problem gambling? If so, then you understand how devastating it can be not only financially, but emotionally, because you are also experiencing the negative impacts of problem gambling yourself. Calling or texting 888-ADMIT-IT is a great first step to finding better understanding…
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Comprender los Sentimientos y Emociones como Ser Querido de un Jugador Problemático

¿Tienes un amigo, familiar o ser querido que está experimentando problemas con el juego? Si es así, entonces entiendes lo devastador que puede ser, no solo financieramente, sino también emocionalmente, porque también estás experimentando los impactos negativos del juego compulsivo. Llamar o enviar un mensaje de texto al 888-ADMIT-IT es un primer paso para comprender…
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Encontrar las Habilidades de Afrontamiento Correctas para Recuperarse del Juego Problemático

Para encontrar la recuperación de la adicción al juego compulsivo, es importante entender en primer lugar que debes realizar cambios significativos en tu vida. Esto puede parecer difícil o incluso imposible al principio, pero con el conocimiento y el apoyo que puedes encontrar con solo llamar o enviar un mensaje de texto al 888-ADMIT-IT, ¡estarás…
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Finding the Right Coping Skills for Recovery from Problem Gambling

In order to find recovery from compulsive gambling, it is important first to understand you must make some big changes in your life. This may seem hard or even impossible at first, but with the knowledge and support you can find just by calling or texting 888-ADMIT-IT, you will be starting on the right path…
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WEB LETTER | October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Know the Connection to Problem Gambling

The FCCG takes this month to shine a light on domestic violence, which is unfortunately more common than one might think. Add compulsive gambling to the equation, and emotions can quickly become explosive. Tensions already run high when problem gambling is a factor, as relationship, financial, legal, and other pressures build. Problem gambling has been extensively…
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WEB LETTER | Problem Gambling in the Workplace?

Every September is Responsible Gaming Education Month (RGEM). This year, the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) is joining with the American Gaming Association (AGA) in celebrating the industry’s 25 years of efforts to promote gambling literacy, consumer education, and associated employee training aimed at the prevention of problem gambling. If you find yourself or…
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Habilidades de Supervivencia para los Seres Queridos de Jugadores Compulsivos

¡No estás solo! Muchas familias, seres queridos y amigos de jugadores problemáticos pueden verse gravemente afectados mental, física y financieramente por esta adicción oculta. Es crucial que establezcas límites y cuides de ti mismo. Al igual que cuando escuchas las instrucciones de seguridad en un avión, dicen que te pongas tu propia máscara primero, porque…
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