Con el auge de los criptocasinos, el Consejo de Juego Compulsivo de Florida (FCCG) desea destacar cómo las plataformas de apuestas digitales pueden resultar especialmente dañinas para quienes batallan contra el juego compulsivo. No solo puede resultar más fácil hacer apuestas, con dinero que no “se siente real”, sino que los criptocasinos tampoco están regulados…
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With the rise of crypto casinos, the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) would like to highlight how digital betting platforms can prove especially harmful for those struggling with compulsive gambling. Not only can it be easier to place bets, with money that doesn’t “feel real,” crypto casinos are also not regulated in the same…
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So far, 2020 has presented our society and the world with challenges that were unthinkable in the recent past. Not only that – today’s issues are dividing us like never before. Tune into almost any news station or app, and you might feel anxious, angry, fearful, or sad after reading the first few headlines. This…
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With COVID-19 forcing everyone to stay inside and isolated, a lot of people are turning more to digital devices as forms of entertainment and discovering that many online pastimes contain elements of gambling. For many people, gambling is a safe recreational pastime. However, for some, it can turn into a dangerous addiction. From the man…
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