
Tag: #COVID19

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Problem Gambling Awareness Matters, Even in the Workplace: Global Employee Health and Fitness Month

The month of May is recognized as Global Employee Health & Fitness Month (GEHFM), an annual awareness event which aims to “promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to employers and their employees through worksite health promotion activities and environments” [1]. Problem gambling can affect anyone from any age, gender, background, or ethnicity. The issues…
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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and a Good Time to Recognize the Domestic Impacts Problem Gambling Can Have

Did you know that April is Child Abuse Prevention Month? The COVID-19 pandemic has, among its long list of detrimental effects, increased the rate of domestic partner violence. Police departments from around the country noted upticks in domestic violence incidents following the start of the pandemic. [1] Not only that, but the health crisis also…
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Why Our Theme for Problem Gambling Awareness Month is “Shine the Light on Problem Gambling: Changing the Game”

On the one-year anniversary since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S, we can reflect on how this new way of life has affected the issue of problem gambling. The one thing that has remained constant throughout this period has been our commitment to serving Florida by providing hope and help for those affected by gambling…
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Problem Gambling, Anxiety, and Mental Health Checks During Tense Times

While some are excited that the New Year has begun, it may be a different story for others. The continuation of pandemic health risks in the United States, job insecurity, and a tense political climate may cause feelings of anxiety and panic. While 2020 was difficult, everyone should stay keen when it comes to their mental…
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Give the Gift of Prevention: Keep Kids Away from Lottery Play

Sanford, FL: Today, the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) is joining the National Holiday Lottery Responsible Gambling Campaign to raise awareness about the risks of gifting lottery tickets to minors during the holidays and to encourage parents and others to choose safer gifts. According to Jennifer Kruse, FCCG’s Executive Director, “Unfortunately, the myth persists…
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FCCG Annual Report Reveals Striking Impacts of COVID-19 on Those Suffering from Gambling Addiction

Sanford, FL: Today, the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) released its FY 2019-2020 Annual Report of its statewide 24-hour Problem Gambling Confidential and Multilingual HelpLine (888-ADMIT-IT), which revealed important findings, some of which present significant implications. During this past fiscal year (July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020), the agency received 17,848 contacts, of…
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Showing Care for Our Seniors Through Problem Gambling Prevention

Within the past 20 years, gambling in the United States has become a preferred pastime. Here in Florida, gambling opportunities have increased, as has the senior population, which has been growing more rapidly than any other age group.  For most Florida seniors, as is true for most Americans, gambling is a form of entertainment that…
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What Will the Football Season Look Like During the Pandemic? It’s a Good Time to Pause and Reflect on Sports Betting.

As the world aims to catch a glimpse of normality, this year has been unlike any other. Many are on their toes waiting for their favorite sport to kick-off, and the announcement of the Big Ten and the PAC-12 postponing the college football season until next year plus uncertainty with the NFL is leading others…
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With Gambling Addiction, Getting Rid of the “I Could Haves and Should Haves” Starts with Reaching Out for Help

The blame game? Have you ever played it? Felt it? Do you know it? It comes along the lines of blaming yourself for something you “should have done” or “could have done better.” It begins with a feeling within yourself, most often a negative feeling, that burns within you that in the past, you should…
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As Florida’s Gambling Venues Reopen, Prevention of Problem Gambling Needs to be Top-of-Mind

While we are all still navigating our new normal , Florida’s gambling facilities are starting to reopen with new safety measures, including installing plexiglass, rigorous cleaning schedules, reduced capacity, and even disposing of cards and chips to help avoid the spread of the virus. But much like we need to prevent the spread of COVID-19,…
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