
Category: Mental Health

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Hablando Sobre el Suicidio Puede Salvar una Vida

Del 5 al 11 de septiembre es la Semana Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio y en Florida nadamas, el suicidio fue la octava causa principal de muerte en el año 2019, lo que representa a más de 3,400 residentes que se quitaron la vida. El suicidio en Florida también sigue siendo la segunda causa más…
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Talking About Suicide Can Save a Life

September 5th-11th is National Suicide Prevention Week and in Florida alone, suicide was the 8th leading cause of death in 2019, representing more than 3,400 residents who took their own lives. Suicide in Florida also remains the second highest cause of death among people ages 10-34, followed by homicide, cancer, and heart disease [1].  Compulsive…
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National Lottery Week Provides Opportunity to Distinguish Between Myths and Facts

The week of July 11th is National Lottery Week and a time to acknowledge that while lottery games are a form of entertainment for the overwhelming majority of Floridians who play, they can create serious difficulties for a segment of the population – problem gamblers. There are many misconceptions people have about lottery games, so…
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In Honor of Social Wellness Month – Let’s Zoom in on Ourselves and Loved Ones

“The FCCG is embracing its new framework, ‘Healing One Day at a Time’ because the truth is that healing is a process that takes time, so it is essential that we remind ourselves and others that it is never too late to start the path to recovery, one day at a time.” ­­­­­­­­­­­July is Social…
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Celebrating a Newfound Independence – Healing One Day at a Time

“…the FCCG is embracing its new framework, “Healing One Day at a Time” because the truth is that healing is a process that takes time, so it is essential that we remind ourselves and others that it is never too late to start the path to recovery, one day at a time.” On July 4th,…
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How Problem Gambling Awareness Fits Into National Men’s Health Month

June is also National Men’s Health Month, and perfect timing for a reminder to encourage the man or men in your life to take care of their bodies by eating right, getting sufficient sleep, engaging in exercise, and working to prevent disease. The purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten awareness regarding preventable health…
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It’s PTSD Awareness Month: Here’s Why Problem Gambling Should Be Part of the Conversation

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that some people develop after witnessing or experiencing a life-threatening event, such as military combat, a national disaster, a car accident, violence or abuse, a major injury, or some other traumatic incident. June is PTSD Awareness Month in the United States, and it is important…
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Embracing Forgiveness Can Positively Change Your Life

Health studies show that people who are willing to forgive themselves and others are happier and healthier than those who hold resentments. It can often be difficult for problem gamblers to ask for forgiveness because they do not feel worthy of it, experience deep levels of shame, regret, and sadness caused by their actions, offenses,…
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Problem Gambling Awareness Matters, Even in the Workplace: Global Employee Health and Fitness Month

The month of May is recognized as Global Employee Health & Fitness Month (GEHFM), an annual awareness event which aims to “promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to employers and their employees through worksite health promotion activities and environments” [1]. Problem gambling can affect anyone from any age, gender, background, or ethnicity. The issues…
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Why Mental Health Awareness Month Must Include Recognition of Gambling Disorder

Problem gambling was first classified as a psychiatric disorder in 1980[1]. Currently, gambling disorder is classified in the DSM-V as a behavioral addiction characterized by the inability to stop gambling. Those who suffer from gambling disorder experience a wide range of severe life impacts, including significant levels of debt; relationship problems; illegal acts to fund…
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