The holiday season, often portrayed as a time of joy and togetherness, can be particularly challenging for families affected by problem gambling. While many experience increased stress during this period, those close to individuals struggling with gambling addiction face unique and intense pressures. If you’re in Florida and need support, remember that help is available…
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Every December, we raise awareness about the dangers of gifting lottery tickets for children during the holiday season and beyond with the Gift Responsibly Campaign, and this year is no different. This holiday season, the FCCG is advocating for a thoughtful approach to gifting—one that spreads joy without inadvertently increasing problem gambling risk in children. …
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Como adultos, entendemos que el “motivo de la temporada” es celebrar junto a nuestros seres queridos. Pero, para los niños y adolescentes, otra parte de las fiestas juega un papel mucho más emocionante: recibir regalos. El Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) alienta a los padres, familiares y otras personas a dejar los juegos de…
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As adults, we understand the holidays are to be celebrated alongside loved ones and others. But for young children and adolescents, there’s another part of the holiday excitement – receiving gifts. The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) encourages parents, family members and others to leave lottery games and scratch off tickets off their children’s…
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Las fiestas han llegado y el FCCG les desea lo mejor a ustedes y a sus familias. Para muchos de nosotros, las festividades pueden ser un momento difícil, estresante y emocional. Respire hondo y sepa que esto es común. Todos necesitamos ser sensibles con nosotros mismos y con los demás en esta temporada. Esto incluye…
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Para muchos jugadores compulsivos, la temporada navideña y el comienzo de un nuevo año trae recuerdos de la infancia, la familia, y otros que a menudo son dolorosos. Y, en algunos casos, los jugadores con problemas y aquellos a quienes impactan, incluidos algunos en la recuperación de la adicción al juego compulsivo, descubren que las…
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For many problem gamblers, the holiday season and the onset of a new year triggers childhood, family, and other memories that are often painful. And, in some instances, problem gamblers and those they impact, including some in gambling addiction recovery, find that family gatherings can often create anxiety, isolation, and interfere in their healing process.…
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With so many things to navigate daily stemming from our personal and/or professional lives, often it feels as though the holidays are a time that creates enormous pressure for many. The thought of making travel plans, hosting a celebration, buying presents, decorating, visiting with family, friends, and others, coupled with numerous commitments, can be overwhelming.…
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Con tantas cosas para navegar diariamente derivadas de nuestra vida personal y / o profesional, a menudo parece que la temporada navideña es un momento que crea una enorme presión para muchos. La idea de hacer planes de viaje, organizar una celebración, comprar regalos, decorar, visitar la familia, amigos y otras personas, junto con numerosos…
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SANFORD, FL: The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) today announced its support of the 2021 Gift Responsibly Campaign, joining other state council affiliates, and more than 80 other lotteries and community organizations from across the U.S., Canada, and the world. The campaign, which raises awareness about risks associated with giving lottery products as gifts…
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