Domestic Violence A Well Defined Problem with Foggy Solutions October 15, 2015 Every nine seconds a woman is beaten in America. That’s right, in America. By the time you are done reading this blog post, about 7-9 women will have been physically assaulted in the United States. We live in one of the most advanced, industrialized…
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The NCAA Cracks Down on Fantasy Sports September 30, 2015 40 million Americans play fantasy sports. That number includes scores of college athletes. Call it the Pete Rose affect, but there is a general distaste for the of athletes partaking in gambling. The NCAA recently took a stand against fantasy sports, barring their players from…
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What to expect when you first call September 15, 2015 For gamblers, the decision to enter into recovery is often not an easy one. We live in a culture that reinforces the concept of, “pull yourself up by the bootstraps.” Within the addiction realm, there is a quiet voice that addicts have to contend with,…
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The New Gateway Drug September 4, 2015 The final preseason games have been played, which means that the NFL season in upon us. Professional football has become a staple of American culture. Every Monday, Thursday, and of course Sunday, millions of people will tune into watch their favorite team. Actually that last sentence is…
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5 Myths About Addiction August 16, 2015 1. Overcoming addiction is simply a matter of willpower. Sure, we wish it were that easy. Just stop gambling. Easier said than done. With drugs, prolonged exposure alters the brain in way that results in powerful cravings and compulsions. A gambling addiction has similar parallels. These brain…
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“Hi, my name is Aaron and I am a compulsive gambler.” I’ve never said those words out loud and I’m not sure I ever will. This is due in part to my reluctance to attend a gamblers anonymous meeting. Now, I have nothing against groups like GA, I think they are wonderful. I am just…
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Fantasy Sports and Online Gambling July 15, 2015 I spent the July 4th holiday like many people… with friends, grilling out by the pool. While catching up with my college roommate, he was quick to inform me about how much money he spent gambling last month… The amount of money lost wasn’t the shocking part……
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7 non-related but ever-important questions to ask yourself July 2, 2015 The FCCG recently visited the University of Central Florida’s Counselor Education program and presented our Awareness Now program to their counselors in training. Being a graduate of the program, it was comforting to walk back into the classroom. There is something therapeutic about…
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A Culture of Silence June 16, 2015 Recently, I was fortunate enough to serve as an exhibitor at the Asian Cultural Event in Orlando, Florida. The FCCG purchased a table at the event in order to expose the Asian community to the various problem gambling resources available to Floridians. I’ve tabled at events like this…
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Because of airplanes, it’s possible to eat breakfast in Orlando but have lunch in New York City. In theory, modern air travel is a marvelous luxury. In reality, there is nothing fun about the actual flying. Waiting in long lines at airport security coupled with the limited space coach seating provides makes the actual process…
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