

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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MO MONEY, MO PROBLEMS WHAT TO DO WITH THAT EXTRA HOLIDAY CASH December 28, 2016   On the surface, the world is full of holiday cheer during the month of December. However, holidays are often difficult for people who are struggling with a gambling addiction. The month of December brings about a certain level of…
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Recovery Path

Recovery Path November 29, 2016 Each day, our organization answers Helpline calls from all over the state. Over the years, we have got a pretty full picture of how problem gambling affects our community. Let’s try an exercise. I want you to picture your stereotypical gambling addict. For just 5 seconds, close your eyes and…
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Veteran’s Day

As Veteran’s Day descends upon us, we must collectively take a moment an honor them brave men and women that have served our country. There are over 20 million living veterans in the United States, so chances are you know one of these brave Americans. It doesn’t take much, but make a plan today to…
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The Power of Support Groups

The Power of Support Groups October 27, 2016   The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) is committed to increasing public awareness about problem and compulsive gambling.  The FCCG provides services and support to those in need of assistance to help improve their lives. For problem gamblers, support groups are often a critical part of…
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7 Facts About Domestic Violence

7 Facts About Domestic Violence October 24, 2016   October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Around the country, different groups put on various marches, races, auctions, and events to raise money and awareness in order to combat a growing problem. Here at the Florida Council, we come across instances of domestic violence due to the…
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National Take a Break Day – 7 Things you can do Instead of Gambling

National Take a Break Day – 7 Things you can do Instead of Gambling September 29, 2016   September 29 is National Take a Break from Gambling Day. As a nonprofit that helps Floridians who are negatively impacted by problem gambling, we encourage people to think of alternative and healthy ways to spend their day instead of gambling.   We are…
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Suicide & Problem Gambling

Suicide & Problem Gambling September 6, 2016 When people think about dangerous addictions, they immediately turn to heroin, cocaine, bath salts or other hard drugs. And while those drugs definitely carry with them an extreme degree of risk, when it comes to addiction there is another player in the lethality category. Gambling. If you are…
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Debt and Gambling

Debt and Gambling August 22, 2016 In our last blog post, we spoke about understanding the human side of gambling. Metadata will paint the picture as to the scope of the problem and its place in society. For example, if you were to learn that just 900 people report being addicted to Pokemon Go, in…
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The Importance of the Betty White Story

The Importance of the Betty White Story August 10, 2016 A little over a year ago, we produced a video detailing one woman’s account of living with a gambling addict. Betty White, a native of Tennessee, survived a deadly attack from her husband, who was suffering from a gambling addiction. In just one year, our…
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Fantasy is Around the Corner!

Fantasy is Around the Corner! July 27, 2016 August is coming up on us quickly, which means the fantasy football season is lurking around the corner. In just a few weeks, your news feeds will begin to be populated with football news and fantasy advice. In the last 5 years, fantasy sports have seen an explosion in…
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