
What is Recovery Path?

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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What is Recovery Path?

888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine

Thousands of people in Florida currently experience the negative effects of a gambling disorder. The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) operates a 24-Hour Confidential & Multilingual HelpLine, 1-888-ADMIT-IT, and offers a number of problem gambling specific programs, services, and referral resources to assist individuals with their specific needs based upon individual circumstances. FCCG HelpLine Specialists are trained to provide resources catered to the caller’s unique situation, including referrals for professional services such as counseling.

[IMAGE] What is Recovery Path?

What Resources are Provided?

Contacting the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine is the first step towards receiving problem gambling specific resources and supports. During the initial HelpLine contact, individuals are offered a variety of supportive problem gambling information, programs, and other supports, as well as resource referrals for treatment, legal, and financial professionals, among others. When available, the FCCG may offer treatment referrals for problem gamblers who are currently experiencing negative consequences in their life through the FCCG’s Recovery Path Treatment Program.

What is Recovery Path?

The FCCG’s Recovery Path Treatment Program is one of many problem gambling resources provided through the HelpLine and based upon program availability, can offer eligible problem gamblers, their spouses and children, with gambling addiction specific treatment services from nationally and state certified gambling addiction licensed mental health providers. Tele-counseling services may also be offered to qualified individuals residing in rural areas where Recovery Path networked providers are unavailable, or in cases where disabilities, or other limitations exist.

Program admissions are based upon availability and offered on a case-by-case basis to individuals meeting eligibility requirements.

Who is Eligible?

Recovery Path program eligibility requirements are listed below and include financial eligibility criteria, clinical eligibility criteria for disordered gambling, and FCCG determination of appropriateness of services provided through Recovery Path in meeting individual clinical needs.

Eligibility Criteria:

1. Recovery Path Financial Eligibility Criteria

> The FCCG’s Recovery Path Treatment Program is a payor of last resort. To ensure program funds are allocated appropriately, approval to receive one or more services (food, cash, or medical assistance) provided through Florida’s Automated Community Connection to Economic Self Sufficiency Program (ACCESS) is required for determination of financial eligibility and approval to receive treatment services through the Recovery Path Treatment Program.

> Verification of eligibility is obtained through the provision of a valid Electronic Benefits Transaction Card (EBT) or Medicaid Gold Card. Required verification can be provided to the FCCG prior to the onset of treatment services, or at the time of the first appointment with a designated Recovery Path Treatment Provider (assuming all other program requirements for admission have been met).

2. Recovery Path Clinical Eligibility Criteria

> The Recovery Path Treatment Program provides specific problem gambling counseling services with clinical eligibility for program participation determined by the FCCG in accordance with established Recovery Path Admission Protocols. The focus of treatment services provided through the Recovery Path Treatment Program is arresting problematic gambling behavior. While the FCCG remains sympathetic to the additional associated problems that often occur with gambling disorder (such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, or unresolved trauma from the past, etc.), the Recovery Path Treatment Program is focused on problematic gambling behavior and prohibited from treating other mental health issues. (Although the FCCG does attempt to network individuals with resources to address other mental health challenges).

*ALL Recovery Path Program Admissions are made at the Sole Discretion of the FCCG.

[IMAGE] What is Recovery Path?Reducing Barriers to Problem Gambling Treatment

Through the FCCG’s Recovery Path Treatment Program, we are working to provide much needed networks of service for the thousands of families in need, struggling to restore balance in their lives and overcome the devastation brought on by gambling addiction.

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