
Tag: #GamblingAddiction

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Bringing Your Visions to Reality: Creating a Recovery Vision Board That Works!

A new year is upon us and while you may want to change some things to improve your personal and/or professional life, you aren’t quite sure how to get started. A vision board is a great place to begin because it will help to provide you with a visualization of where you want to go…
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Establishing A Game Plan That Matters – New Year’s Resolution Week

New Year’s Resolution Week is the first week of January. Setting resolutions is routinely done each year by millions of Americans. Often, resolutions are set to add purpose or meaning to our lives. The onset of a new year also provides opportunity to look ahead versus back. When devising resolutions, it is important to identify…
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A Reason to Be Grateful

November is here and the onset of the holiday season begins this week. Now is a perfect opportunity to take a moment of pause to acknowledge the people and things we are grateful for in our lives. If you or someone you know is in recovery from a gambling problem, there is much to be…
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El Mes de la Prevención del Abuso de Sustancias destaca similitudes y diferencias con el juego desordenado

Octubre es el mes Nacional de Prevención del Abuso de Sustancias y, a menudo, es más fácil comprender el problema del juego comparándolo con el alcoholismo y la adicción a las drogas. Si bien las similitudes son muchas, existen algunas diferencias importantes que han hecho que el juego compulsivo sea más difícil de identificar y…
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Substance Abuse Prevention Month Highlights Similarities and Differences with Disordered Gambling

October is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, and it is often easiest to understand problem gambling by comparing it to alcoholism and drug addiction. While the similarities are many, there are some important differences that have made compulsive gambling more difficult to identify and to treat.   For starters, a gambling disorder is a hidden addiction,…
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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and a Good Time to Recognize the Domestic Impacts Problem Gambling Can Have

Did you know that April is Child Abuse Prevention Month? The COVID-19 pandemic has, among its long list of detrimental effects, increased the rate of domestic partner violence. Police departments from around the country noted upticks in domestic violence incidents following the start of the pandemic. [1] Not only that, but the health crisis also…
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If Cutting Back or Stopping Gambling Was Your (or a Loved One’s) New Year’s Resolution, Read This

Millions of Americans partake in the annual tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions, but did you know that only 35% of those who made resolutions last year say they kept them all?[1] So, where do things go wrong? According to Psychology Today, the top four reasons New Year’s resolutions fail are not setting clear goals,…
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Problem Gambling and Financial Planning Don’t Mix

Did you know that October is Financial Planning Month? Financial planning is vital to reach long-term goals while paying short and long-term expenses, whether working towards a down payment on a new home, saving for your child’s college tuition, or ensuring a more comfortable retirement. This alone isn’t an easy balancing act, and many hire…
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FCCG Annual Report Reveals Striking Impacts of COVID-19 on Those Suffering from Gambling Addiction

Sanford, FL: Today, the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) released its FY 2019-2020 Annual Report of its statewide 24-hour Problem Gambling Confidential and Multilingual HelpLine (888-ADMIT-IT), which revealed important findings, some of which present significant implications. During this past fiscal year (July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020), the agency received 17,848 contacts, of…
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The Aftermath of Gambling Addiction on Relationships

Multiple factors can influence a person to develop a gambling addiction. It is essential to know that most individuals who struggle with this addiction by no means planned to let their gambling spiral out of control. To help individuals who battle with problem gambling, we must understand the difficulties they face. Problem gambling results in…
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