
Support #StigmaFree for Mental Health Awareness Month

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Support #StigmaFree for Mental Health Awareness Month

Millions of Americans experience life through the lens of mental illness, and millions more – their family members, friends, and other personal connections – are affected. Living with mental illness is hard enough. Stigma makes it even harder by shaming those who need treatment into fear and silence.

Did you know that one in five Americans are affected by a mental health condition?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and a time to support a stigma-free world, where anyone who needs help is not afraid to seek it. Year in and year out, the FCCG works to end the stigma surrounding problem gambling by raising awareness of the issue, educating the public, and advocating for policies that support those affected by this mental illness.

So let’s do everything we can to erase the stigma and empower the millions affected by Gambling Disorder and other mental illnesses to find help and pursue treatment. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, show compassion and acceptance, open the channels of communication, and understand that recovery will take time. Start by calling the FCCG’s 24/7 problem gambling HelpLine today: 888-ADMIT-IT.

Engage at Every Age – May is Also Older Americans Month

[IMAGE] Seniors & Gambling Placard

The Administration on Aging leads the country in observance of Older Americans Month each May to inspire physical, mental, and emotional well-being among older adults.

Approximately 20% of all callers to our 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine are 55 and older.

This year’s theme for Older Americans Month is “Engage at Every Age,” and we couldn’t agree more. We encourage caretakers to contact us to learn more about how Gambling Disorder affects seniors, how to spot the signs of a gambling problem, and the do’s and don’ts regarding this issue. Call our 24/7 problem gambling HelpLine today: 888-ADMIT-IT.


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