
A Whole New World

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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A Whole New World

Thank you for stopping in and reading the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling’s 1st ever blog post! We are beyond excited to enter the world of blogging. Over time, we hope to expose more people to information surrounding the issue of problem gambling. If you don’t know what the FCCG is or does, let me take a second to inform you!


The FCCG is a state funded non-profit, dedicated to helping people adversely affected by gambling. The FCCG partakes in advocacy, training, prevention, and serves as the public voice on problem gambling.


How do we help people negatively impacted by gambling?


So glad you asked!


We operate a 24/7 Gambling Helpline in which is toll free to call. When a person who may be at the mercy of a gambling addiction calls our helpline, we offer them a plethora of resources. The FCCG has all the latest information on GA meetings, self help workbooks, self exclusion information from casinos, web blockers, and access to our program called Recovery Path, in which the FCCG can cover the cost of counseling for qualified callers.


We also are proud to offer callers access to our Peer Connect program. Peer Connect allows gamblers or the loved ones of gamblers the opportunity to speak directly with someone in recovery from a gambling addiction. For callers who are being affected by their loved one’s gambling problem, we connect you with a loved one of a gambler. Just as GPS helps you get to your desired destination by giving you a roadmap, our Peer Connect program functions in more of the same way!


Outlining the aforementioned programs just scratches the surface on what the FCCG provides in terms of value and service to the community! In the future, tune in to the blog to get a more human and in-depth look into the issue of problem gambling.


Have a wonderful day!


