
Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) for Responsible Gambling Programs

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Fills in the Blanks!

When gambling becomes a problem, it calls everything into question. For many, the first question is, “Do I have a gambling problem?” Problem gambling is known as the hidden addiction. Unlike other addictions, individuals suffering from problem gambling do not display physical signs. Nonetheless, impacted individuals are often depressed, anxious, and may have suicidal thoughts. They often neglect family and friends, run up large amounts of debt, and may be involved in illegal activity in order to fund their addiction. Whether you are a gambler or a loved one, your next question might be, “How do I get help?”

In Florida, the first step to filling in the blanks left by problem gambling – for gamblers and loved ones – is contacting the 24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine!


March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month

Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) in a national grassroots advocacy campaign that occurs each year in March, and provides the opportunity for heightened problem gambling awareness throughout the country. FCCG leads the PGAM campaign in Florida each year, bringing together voices from across the community to highlight the impacts of problem gambling as well as the confidential help and hope available 24/7 through the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine.


By becoming educated about problem gambling you can help the FCCG raise awareness and bring this public health issue to light. Understand it, recognize it, and understand that this is a treatable problem.


As gambling continues to be more accessible, the FCCG needs your continued support in order for us to assist those who reach out for help. Contact us for FREE educational and training opportunities and become a responsible gaming advocate.


Often, people who are suffering with a gambling problem are reluctant to reach out for help. The FCCG helps thousands each year through its 24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual HelpLine, 888-ADMIT-IT. You can help us end the stigma!

We Have a Winner: Take the Plunge Challenge for Problem Gambling Awareness Month

The FCCG wants to congratulate Melissa Brooks, Risk and Communications Manager for Calder Casino, who “took the plunge” by creatively outlining how storytelling could promote problem gambling and responsible gambling awareness among employees, patrons, and beyond!

Melissa enjoyed playing Mad Libs® when she was young, a popular fill-in-the-blanks word game where one player prompts others for a list of words to substitute for blanks in a story, and reflected on the educational value of this game. She envisioned how the game could help gambling industry employees learn about problem gambling in an engaging way. 

To bring Melissa’s concept to life, the FCCG is introducing 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLibs, featuring facts about problem gambling and the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine – play now below! Instructions appear at the beginning of the game. Challenge your knowledge even more with 4 more games below that. Just click or tap anywhere in the game frames to begin each activity.

Can You Fill in the Blanks?
Play 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLibs

PGAM “Fill in the Blanks” Crossword Challenge

The Signs of Problem Gambling:
A “Fill in the Blanks” Challenge

Play DIRE STAKES: Industry Edition


Get Connected to Help and Hope

There are more ways than ever to get connected with the 24/7 Problem Gambling HelpLine. Call or text 888-ADMIT-IT (236-4848), open a live chat on this website, email us at fccg@gamblinghelp.org, download the free mobile app, or connect with us on social media, such as Facebook and X.


Problem gambling is an addiction like no other.

A gambling addiction can be devastating. This disease affects a person’s self-worth, their relationships with others, their financial livelihood – and while everyone’s story is unique, there is a common thread that links those who contact the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine. They are looking for a way to get their lives back on track. For over 30 years, the FCCG has been instilling hope and furnishing help to those affected by problem gambling.

The 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine can be accessed by calling or texting the widely publicized toll-free telephone HelpLine number (888-ADMIT-IT), through Live Chat on the agency’s website (gamblinghelp.org), by email (fccg@gamblinghelp.org), with the 888-ADMIT-IT mobile app, or by connecting with the FCCG on Facebook and Twitter.


Facts About Problem Gambling

For most, gambling is a form of recreation that doesn’t cause harm. But when gambling becomes a problem, the impacts can be devastating. How big of an issue is gambling addiction in Florida, and who is affected?

The Estimated Social Costs of Problem Gambling Represent Billions of Dollars Per Year
An Estimated 9 Million Americans Suffer from Problem Gambling
The Estimated Number of At-Risk Past-Year Problem Gamblers (Adults) in Florida
Florida Adults Who are Currently (Past Year) Diagnosable as Disordered Gamblers
888-ADMIT-IT: Increase in Florida Problem Gambling Help Contacts Since Last Year
888-ADMIT-IT: Increase in Florida Problem Gambling Help Contacts Since 2019-2020
888-ADMIT-IT: Increase in Florida Online Gambling Help Contacts Since Last Year
888-ADMIT-IT: Increase in Florida Online Gambling Help Contacts Since 2019-2020


2021-2022 Annual HelpLine Report: Highlights

Contacts made to the FCCG’s 888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine during the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year continue to provide evidence that Floridians suffering from the negative effects of a gambling problem are in dire need of immediate supports. This video covers the most notable findings in the 2021-2022 Annual HelpLine data analysis.

We are the FCCG.
We are 888-ADMIT-IT.

Thousands of people contact the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine each year for help and information, and millions more have been exposed to the number and the services and resources the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) provides to Floridians suffering from the impacts of problem gambling.

As the 24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine for the entire state, 888-ADMIT-IT is the gateway to a series of free services which are not available anywhere in Florida, online, or elsewhere. Help seekers receive timely and updated resources as well as up-to-the-minute problem-gambling-related news, research, and information, along with FCCG’s tailored programs and services, available for both gamblers and their loved ones.


888-ADMIT-IT is the Only Problem Gambling HelpLine Dedicated to Serving Floridians

The 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine is an ever-evolving resource for Floridians. The FCCG is committed to personalized service and prides itself on the relationships built during HelpLine contacts, which are often a one-time opportunity to motivate behavioral change, and to share a message of hope that recovery is possible.


From decades of experience providing help and hope to Floridians suffering from gambling addiction, the FCCG has grown its HelpLine resource database to serve nearly every situation brought about by problem gambling.


FCCG HelpLine Specialists are trained to provide resources catered to the contact’s unique situation, including immediate access to FCCG HelpLine programs that have been developed specifically for Florida help seekers.


The FCCG HelpLine utilizes a very strict referral system, offering a variety of problem gambling specific programs, services, and local referral resources, to assist individuals with their specific needs and circumstances.

Gambling Addiction Can Be Hard to Spot

Unlike other addictions, problem gambling does not have obvious visible physical symptoms. That’s why it’s known as the hidden addiction — but there are behavioral signs. Are you seeing them?

Need to gamble with increasing amounts to achieve the desired excitement.
Restless or irritable when trying to cut down or stop gambling.
Repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back on or stop gambling.
Frequent thoughts about gambling (such as reliving past gambling or planning future gambling).
Often gambling when feeling distressed.
After losing money gambling, often returning to get even. (This is referred to as "chasing" one's losses.)
Lying to hide gambling activity.
Risking or losing a close relationship, a job, or a school or job opportunity because of gambling.
Relying on others to help with money problems caused by gambling.

Hear First-Hand Accounts of Problem Gambling

In Surviving Compulsive Gambling: The Betty White Story, a woman recounts her experience being married to a compulsive gambler. Her honesty provides insight into how dangerous compulsive gambling can be, including for loved ones. The Domino Effect tells the stories of Brandon, Terry, and Sarah, three individuals whose gambling addiction affected not only their lives, but the lives of those closest to them.


888-ADMIT-IT also has a free mobile app.

Download the free 888-ADMIT-IT mobile app to stay connected with the HelpLine and resources for problem gambling. Available on both Apple and Android devices, the app allows users to contact the HelpLine in just one or two taps, take a Self-Assessment Quiz to help detect problematic gambling behaviors, learn about the FCCG’s Online Program for Problem Gamblers (OPPG), see problem gambling prevention tips, discover the warning signs of gambling addiction, and more.

[IMAGE] 888-ADMIT-IT Mobile App

Learn the Impacts of Gambling Addiction

Discover how gambling disorder causes financial and career difficulties, legal problems, relationship issues, and even suicidal ideation and attempts from those who lived it, but most importantly – that help and hope are available through the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine, and recovery is possible.


888-ADMIT-IT Offers 24/7 Connection to Resources for Help Seekers & Professionals 

As the 24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine for the entire state,
888-ADMIT-IT is the gateway to a series of free services which are not available anywhere in Florida, online, or elsewhere. Help seekers receive timely and updated resources as well as up-to-the-minute problem-gambling-related news, research, and information, along with FCCG’s tailored programs and services, available for both gamblers and their loved ones. 
Additionally, the FCCG HelpLine furnishes information, supports, and training for qualified addictions/mental health/other medical professionals, gambling operators, employers, and others in providing services and supports to the population negatively affected by gambling within the Sunshine State.

Resources for Help Seekers

By contacting 888-ADMIT-IT, help seekers can connect with resources like the Online Program for Problem Gamblers (OPPG), the Peer Connect Program, Referrals to Gambling Addiction Certified Treatment Providers, Self-Exclusion Programs, Self-Help Support Groups, Self-Help Literature, Financial Supports, Legal Resources, and many more.

Learn More
Resources for Professionals

The FCCG HelpLine furnishes information, supports, and training for qualified addictions/mental health/other medical professionals, gambling operators, employers, and others in providing services and supports to the population negatively affected by gambling within the Sunshine State. Want to learn more about our programs and services for professionals?

Learn More

Worried about your gambling or that of a loved one? Contact the HelpLine today.

[IMAGE] PGAM 2024 - Calder Casino - Back of House Display 5[IMAGE] PGAM 2024 - Calder Casino - Back of House Display 1[IMAGE] PGAM 2024 - Calder Casino - Back of House Display 3[IMAGE] PGAM 2024 - Calder Casino - Back of House Display 4[IMAGE] Calder Casino - PGAM 2024 - Blue-Ribbon Responsible Gaming Pledge - Screenshot[IMAGE] PGAM 2024 - Calder Casino - Back of House Display 2

Florida Organizations are Partnering in Support of PGAM

From mayoral proclamations around the state, to Florida’s gambling facilities raising awareness among their employees, PGAM partners are helping spread the word about the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine. Interested in becoming a PGAM partner? Email us at pgam@gamblinghelp.org!


Problem Gambling is in the Press During PGAM

Over the years, the FCCG has been routinely contacted by reporters writing stories about the impacts of problem gambling on Floridians. These days, the the Florida Council is fielding a record number of media requests as a result of gambling expansion and the resulting surge in 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine contacts. Click on the images in the slideshow to read the most recent stories.

[IMAGE] Florida gambling helpline is seeing a surge of calls after the launch of a sports betting app[IMAGE] Problem Gambling Contacts on the Rise in Florida[IMAGE] Online sports betting on the rise in Florida, but there are risks[IMAGE] March Madness fuels Florida’s newest sports betting craze: online gambling[IMAGE] Calls for Florida’s gambling addiction HelpLine have doubled since launch of online sports betting[IMAGE] Calls to Florida gambling helpline doubled after launch of online sports betting[IMAGE] Florida Legislature Fully Funds Gambling Prevention Program Amid Rising Addiction Calls[IMAGE] Florida Legislature Fully Funds Gambling Prevention Program Amid Rising Addiction Calls[IMAGE] 02.28.24 Media Story with Axios - Screenshot[IMAGE] 02.20.24-Media-Story-with-WFLA-News-Channel-8-Screenshot[IMAGE] 02.19.24 Media Story with ABC Action News Tampa Bay[IMAGE] 02.15.24 Media Story with WIOD & NBC 6 South Florida[IMAGE] 02.12.24 Media Story with CBS12[IMAGE] 02.11.24 Media Story with WPTV[IMAGE] 02.09.24-Media-Story-with-10-Tampa-Bay[IMAGE] 12.20.23 Media Story with CBS News Miami

Connect with Us

Follow the FCCG on social media to be in the know about the latest problem gambling news and HelpLine updates.

Follow Our Blog & Learn More About
Problem Gambling

For those who suffer from gambling disorder and their loved ones, the impacts touch upon nearly every aspect of life. The FCCG’s blog is a deep dive into everything problem gambling, from resources available for gamblers and loved ones, to seasonal concerns, prevention tips, awareness events, and more.

[IMAGE] The Risky Parallels: Cashless Gambling and Video Game Microtransactions

The Risky Parallels: Cashless Gambling and Video Game Microtransactions

In recent years, both the gambling industry and the video game industry have embraced digital payment methods, introducing cashless gambling technology and microtransactions, respectively. While these innovations offer convenience, they[…]

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[IMAGE] The Erosion of Morals and Values: A Consequence of Problem Gambling

The Erosion of Morals and Values: A Consequence of Problem Gambling

When we find ourselves caught in the grip of addiction, particularly problem gambling, we often experience a profound shift in our core values and moral compass. These fundamental aspects of[…]

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[IMAGE] The Hidden Holiday Struggle: Supporting Loved Ones of Problem Gamblers

The Hidden Holiday Struggle: Supporting Loved Ones of Problem Gamblers

The holiday season, often portrayed as a time of joy and togetherness, can be particularly challenging for families affected by problem gambling. While many experience increased stress during this period,[…]

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Participate in This Year’s
“Take the Plunge Challenge!”

Do you have an idea for the FCCG’s 2025 PGAM theme? We invite you to take part in the “Take the Plunge Challenge” by discussing and submitting ideas that can be used for next year’s campaign. Whether you want to volunteer taglines, outreach activities, games, brochures, and webinars pertaining to PGAM, we want to hear from you! The employee (and their facility) submitting the idea chosen by the FCCG will be featured in an upcoming CARE Team Newsletter.

Submit your idea via the form below no later than April 30, 2024, to be considered. Following your submission, you will be able to download a free digital copy of the FCCG’s Do This, Not That brochure, which provides important and helpful strategies when encountering different problem gambling situations in the workplace. For immediate or anonymous assistance with a gambling problem, please contact the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine.
