It’s Problem Gambling Awareness Month: Here’s How You Can Become Involved
The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) invites you to join with our partners across the Sunshine State in promoting March 2019 as Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) within your community and among the population you serve. Your assistance will help to raise awareness about problem gambling and available resources through the FCCG’s 24-Hour Confidential and Multilingual HelpLine, 888-ADMIT-IT, which offers diverse services and supports, including free treatment to Florida residents (gamblers and loved ones).
The theme for this year’s PGAM is Play it Safe – So the Game Doesn’t Take Control of You, which draws connections between video gaming, various forms of gambling, and problem gambling. It will alert parents and others of the need to be attentive to recreational games children and adults play. This is especially important as video games, smartphone apps, and other forms of “play” have become increasingly difficult to distinguish from gambling, which often feature many of the same elements as traditional forms of gambling.
For Those Devastated by Problem Gambling,
Help and Hope are Available
For most, gambling is recreational and does not present any adverse consequences. Yet, for thousands of Floridians gambling progresses from a leisure-time activity to a compulsion. PGAM will increase awareness of the risks of gaming, and other forms of gambling, and spread the message that gambling problems can be prevented by encouraging safe play and smart gambling guidelines.
For people at risk for problem gambling, these activities can be the first step down a very dangerous path. Problem gamblers and their families suffer from a range of consequences, including financial, relationship, career, legal, mental health, and other difficulties – and high rates of suicidal ideation and attempts. Your support will help to raise awareness of both the risks and the resources available to those affected.
We Need Your Help in Getting the Word Out
Click here to download our Order Form, which Florida residents and organizations may use to receive FREE collateral materials and informative literature that may be used during PGAM and beyond. You can also participate in this outreach effort by including a link to our PGAM website at, by distributing e-blasts that will be issued during PGAM, and by following us and sharing information on social media, using hashtags #PlayItSafe and #PGAM.
If you have other ideas, please don’t hesitate to let us know! We can be reached via email at or by phone at 407-865-6200 or 888-ADMIT-IT. Additional resources are also available on our website at
If you think you, or someone you know, may have a gambling problem, call the FCCG’s 24/7, Confidential and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine at 888-ADMIT-IT (236-4848).