
Category: Mental Health

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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Celebrating Black History Month to Raise Awareness About Problem Gambling Prevention

As we honor the history, traditions, and progress of all Black Americans during Black History Month, we must also recognize the challenges, including problem gambling. Problem gambling has many effects on an individual’s life, including but not limited to financial, relational, mental, and physical impacts. Consequences exist, such as elevated rates of anxiety, mood, and…
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When Relationships Fall Victim to Problem Gambling

Many celebrate love, romance, and relationships during February and on Valentine’s Day. While no relationship is perfect, some endure significant hardship due to the presence of addiction, and gambling addiction is no exception. Did you know that relationship problems have been the top reported reason for seeking help by contacts to the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine for…
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Problem Gambling, Anxiety, and Mental Health Checks During Tense Times

While some are excited that the New Year has begun, it may be a different story for others. The continuation of pandemic health risks in the United States, job insecurity, and a tense political climate may cause feelings of anxiety and panic. While 2020 was difficult, everyone should stay keen when it comes to their mental…
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If Cutting Back or Stopping Gambling Was Your (or a Loved One’s) New Year’s Resolution, Read This

Millions of Americans partake in the annual tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions, but did you know that only 35% of those who made resolutions last year say they kept them all?[1] So, where do things go wrong? According to Psychology Today, the top four reasons New Year’s resolutions fail are not setting clear goals,…
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Reflecting on Video Games, Loot Boxes, and Their Correlation with Problem Gambling

In 2020, the conversation has been centered around the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on daily life, including an increased reliance on technology. Activities that would typically happen in-person, such as school, work, hanging out with friends, and family gatherings, have shifted online. The COVID-19 crisis and the confinement and other restrictions associated with it…
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Raising Awareness Before the Holidays: Safer Gambling Week 2020

As we get into holiday season mode, mentalities begin to shift to vacation, leisure activities, and family time. While 2020 has been an exceptional year and holiday gatherings will likely be tapered back due to the risk presented by COVID-19, the importance of raising awareness about the impacts of gambling addiction has only increased. It…
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Combat Gambling Addiction: Prevention is the Best Defense

Every November, also known as Military Family Month, our nation proudly pays tribute as a symbol of gratitude, remembrance, and support for our nation’s heroes on Veterans Day. These individuals are members of our country who have proudly served in the U.S armed forces. Though we recognize the journey that these individuals faced while in…
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Problem Gambling and Financial Planning Don’t Mix

Did you know that October is Financial Planning Month? Financial planning is vital to reach long-term goals while paying short and long-term expenses, whether working towards a down payment on a new home, saving for your child’s college tuition, or ensuring a more comfortable retirement. This alone isn’t an easy balancing act, and many hire…
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The Aftermath of Gambling Addiction on Relationships

Multiple factors can influence a person to develop a gambling addiction. It is essential to know that most individuals who struggle with this addiction by no means planned to let their gambling spiral out of control. To help individuals who battle with problem gambling, we must understand the difficulties they face. Problem gambling results in…
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Some Could Not Overcome the Urge to Bet on the Preakness Stakes

The anticipation to see world-class horses and their trainers line up for the second Triple Crown race had been building up for weeks. After being delayed due to the pandemic, the Preakness Stakes featured 12 horses on Saturday, October 3, 2020, for an event with no fans in the stands and shown through simulcast. The…
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