
The Importance of Gambling Addiction Certified Counselors

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Only Certified Counselors Understand the Dimensions of Gambling Disorder

Gambling addiction proves to be especially illusive and resilient due to its sprawling dimensions and progressive nature. True problem gambling experts and certified treatment providers possess specialized knowledge and extensive training about the unique characteristics of gambling disorder. Without understanding the underpinnings of what drives the suffering individual to choose gambling over financial stability, career, legal standing, and even family, a counselor has no hope of curtailing the downward spiral. Likewise, only certified counselors can attest to the impacts of gambling addiction and the treatment process, whether speaking with the media or educating the community.

Did You Know? The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) only refers help seekers (problem gamblers and other affected individuals) to licensed, mental health treatment providers who are Certified in Gambling Addiction. Acceptable certifications include either Florida’s Certified Gambling Addiction Counselor credential, (CGAC), or the International Problem Gambling and Gaming Certification Organization’s (IPGGC; formerly International Gambling Counseling Certification Board, IGCCB) ICGC-II.

  • Invisible Symptoms Make Problem Gambling the Hidden Addiction
    Unlike substance addictions, gambling disorder lacks visible physical symptoms, making it easier to conceal. There are no “dice eyes”, no “roulette breath”, and no “card marks on the arms.” Problem gambling is known as the hidden addiction for this reason, which delays detection and intervention as the problem worsens over time. While the individual may seek treatment for resulting mental health impacts or relationship problems, a certified counselor will know to screen for problem gambling as a root cause.

  • Financial Devastation, Relationship Difficulties, Legal Problems, and Mental Health Issues
    While many mental health issues can impact finances, gambling disorder has the potential for rapid and catastrophic financial consequences. The ability to quickly accumulate massive debts through gambling can lead to severe relationship problems, illegal activities to fund the addiction, and mental health impacts like anxiety, depression, and even suicidal ideation and attempts. A certified counselor understands how deeply the impacts of gambling addiction permeate into the lives of the gambler and his or her loved ones.

  • Cognitive Distortions Keep the Gambler Going Despite Accelerating Negative Impacts
    Gambling disorder is characterized by persistent cognitive distortions that set it apart from other addictions. Unlike substance use disorders, where individuals generally recognize the harmful nature of their behavior, those with gambling disorder often maintain the false belief that continued gambling will eventually lead to success. This “chasing losses” mentality can drive individuals deeper into addiction and financial ruin.

  • Neurobiological Similarities to Substance Abuse, Without the Substance
    Research has shown that gambling activates the brain’s reward system in ways similar to addictive drugs. However, the absence of a physical substance introduces unique challenges in treatment, requiring specialized therapeutic approaches that only a certified counselor can provide. With gambling addiction, money is the drug that fuels the addiction.

  • Comorbid Conditions Complicate the Treatment Picture
    Gambling disorder frequently co-occurs with other mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders. This comorbidity necessitates an integrated treatment approach that addresses both the gambling addiction and any underlying mental health issues simultaneously.

  • Recognizing the Need for Financial Rehabilitation in Recovery
    Unlike many other mental health treatments, recovery from gambling disorder often necessitates extensive financial rehabilitation. This may include debt management, financial counseling, and rebuilding trust with family members affected by the gambling behavior.

  • Effective Treatment Requires Specialized Therapeutic Approaches
    Effective treatment for gambling disorder requires the specific expertise of therapists certified for gambling addiction. Specialized treatment focuses on developing robust relapse prevention strategies that address the unique triggers and thought patterns associated with gambling urges.

  • Managing the High Risk of Relapse
    The potential for relapse in gambling disorder is high, given the widespread availability of gambling opportunities, including online gambling, mobile betting apps and associated advertising. Gambling is deeply ingrained in social and cultural contexts, making it challenging for individuals to avoid triggers and maintain recovery. Specialized treatment must address these social factors and provide strategies for navigating high-risk situations.

Working to Strengthen the Problem Gambling Treatment Picture in Florida with Certified Counselors

Another significant role of the FCCG is the continued training of treatment providers, mental health workers, clinical social workers and marriage and family therapists throughout the state. This has been accomplished through multiple webinars, online training modules and outreach activities to promote the FCCG’s programs and services to diverse audiences throughout the state of Florida.

As background, to better aid Floridians in need of assistance for a gambling problem, the FCCG joined forces with the Florida Certification Board in 2007 to establish a credential for compulsive gambling counselors here in the state of Florida. The Advisory Committee convened for the first time that year, and subsequently completed a Role Delineation Study, as well as a validation survey as means of determining the core competencies and requirements for field professionals. The Florida Certification Board’s process for a state credential for gambling addiction certification was completed in 2008.

Over a decade later, the Certified Gambling Addiction Counselor Credential remains an available certification for mental health providers seeking to provide problem gambling counseling services in the state of Florida.

FCCG is an Approved Education Provider with the Florida Certification Board

The FCCG currently provides the required 60-hour certification training for licensed, mental health professionals (state and nationally approved) and furnishes fourteen (14) additional continuing education online modules for mental health and addiction professionals (credentialed by the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling and The Florida Certification Board, respectively), psychologists (credentialed by the Florida Board of Psychology), and medical doctors (credentialed by the Florida Board of Medicine).

In addition, the FCCG assists treatment professionals in identifying appropriate professional oversight to meet the supervisory requirements with a Board-Approved Clinical Consultant (BACC) for obtaining the Certified Compulsive Gambling Counselor credential by The Florida Certification Board.

About Florida’s Certified Gambling Addiction Counselor (CGAC) Certification

 The CGAC credential is for people who provide services to individuals and family members of individuals with problematic or pathological gambling conditions.  The CGAC designates competency in the domains of Addiction Theories; Foundations of Problem and Pathological Gambling; Gambling Counseling Practice and Special Issues in Gambling; and Professional Responsibilities.  Applicants must hold an active and in good standing license issued by the State of Florida under chapter 397, Florida Statutes, OR one of the following FCB credentials: MCAP or CAP.

Required Education & Training:

85 total clock hours of training divided as follows:

  1. Addiction Theories: 10 hours
  2. Basic Knowledge of Problems and Pathological Gambling: 16 hours
  3. Gambling Counseling Practice: 20 hours
  4. Specific Issues in Gambling: 24 hours
  5. Professional Issues: 15 hours

OR If you have an active International Certified Gambling Counselor II, this will meet the 85-hour training requirement. Eligible training must be taken from an FCB Approved Education Provider within the last 10 years (no time limit on college coursework taken as part of a degree program). FCB Eligible Training Guidelines and Providers are listed online on FCB’s website under Education & Training.

Required Direct Contact Hours:

2,000 hours (approximately 1 year of full-time work) of gambling-related counseling experience. One year of full-time employment at 40-hours per week, equals 2,080 hours. Work experience must be directly related to the core competencies of the credential and must have occurred within the last 5 years.

Required Supervision Hours:

50 hours of on-the-job supervision of the applicant’s performance of gambling-related counseling services. Of the 50 hours, a minimum of 5 hours of supervision must be provided and documented in each of the following categories. The remaining 25 hours may be allocated across any category.

  1. Addiction Theories
  2. Basic Knowledge of Problems and Pathological Gambling
  3. Gambling Counseling Practices
  4. Specific Issues in Gambling
  5. Professional Issues

For certification purposes, the FCB benchmarks reasonable and achievable supervision at the rate of 3 hours per week/156 hours per year. Eligible clinical supervision can be individual, one-on-one supervision and/or observation of skills OR group supervision/case staffing’s. At least 50% of the hours of clinical supervision must be individual, one-on-one supervision and/or observation of skills. No more than 50% of the required hours of supervision may be in a group setting.

Minimum Requirements for 888-ADMIT-IT HELPLINE Professional Counseling Services Referrals

Interested in becoming a networked treatment provider for the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine? Read below to learn about the minimum requirements to be considered. To learn more about Provider Minimum Requirements or request a Provider Application, contact the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine.

888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine Referral’s – Networked Treatment Providers

Minimum Requirements:

Gambling treatment counselors seeking to receive referrals for problem gambling treatment services from callers to the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling’s (FCCG’s) 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine, shall meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. Be licensed by the State of Florida as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Psychologist, Psychiatrist and/or have a Certification in Addictions from the Florida Certification Board AND hold a valid *International Certified Gambling Counselor-II (**ICGC-II) certification OR **Certified Gambling Addiction Counselor certification through the Florida Certification Board.
  1. Offer an *approved Sliding Fee Scale for all referrals received through the FCCG HelpLine. Sliding scale fee schedules and associated policy should be submitted to the FCCG for approval at the time of provider application to become a HelpLine referral.

*Sliding Fee Scales may be developed based upon the income of all HelpLine referred potential clients along with the predetermined minimum and maximum provider fees and in accordance with the U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines, which are a simplification of the poverty thresholds used for administrative purposes in determining financial eligibility for certain federal programs. For additional information, please visit: https://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty-guidelines.
