FCCG training and programming provides guidance to law enforcement, probation and police officers, judges, and attorneys regarding problem gambling impacts and solutions. Excessive gambling places a hardship on our legal and prison systems given the frequency of theft, embezzlement, fraud, and other crimes committed. More often than not, police, probation and correction officers, as well as attorneys, public defenders, prosecutors, judges and the criminal justice system as a whole are not familiar with compulsive gambling and/or the impacts resulting from such a diagnosis that lead to crime.
A Guide for Legal, Criminal Justice & Court Professionals
The FCCG’s A Guide for Legal, Criminal Justice & Court Professionals empowers and educates the judicial system to understand the uniqueness of compulsive gambling and offers suggestions on how to approach sentencing, probationary guidelines and other legal facets when dealing with someone who is addicted to gambling. The primary purpose of this program is to ultimately enable the judiciary to identify and secure viable alternatives to incarceration alone and to provide the opportunity for rehabilitation to persons committing crimes as the result of a gambling addiction. This program provides free supports throughout every phase of the criminal justice process to law enforcement, legal, judicial, probation, state and federal prison authorities, or as part of a law enforcement program. To learn more and request this program, contact the 888-ADMIT-IT (236-4848) HelpLine.
Are You Gambling with Your Life?
An interactive CD that includes videos, this life skills training program assists Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) personnel, educators, facilitators, counselors, psychologists, and other professionals in providing essential information about the dangers and consequences of gambling to high risk young people incarcerated in DJJ facilities or outside the DJJ system. (Note: This FCCG/DJJ joint program is not intended for mainstream youth or the public school system. It is “Language Sensitive” and depicts scenes and scripts based upon actual focus group input within Florida ‘s DJJ detention population.)
The Council is working to establish collaborative relationships with judges and others within the court system as a means of aiding persons falling subject to crime in order to “cope” with the increased pressures of a gambling habit. The agency has also been advocating the need for the judicial system to develop and institute a “Gambling Court” in Florida similar in philosophy to Drug Court, and is working with judges and others to bring such a program to Florida.