
College Students Impacted by Problem Gambling

24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine: 888-ADMIT-IT

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What starts out as a good time or a bet among friends can often end up causing serious financial and personal problems. With so many college students gambling on cards, sports, the Internet, dice, and numerous other things, some get to a point where their lives become unmanageable. College students with a gambling problem can risk ruining their lives at a period in time when they are first gaining independence and self-reliance.

[IMAGE] College Students Impacted by Problem Gambling

College students with a gambling problem can risk ruining their lives at a period in time when they are first gaining independence and self-reliance.

Gambling-driven decisions made by college-age students can have lifelong negative impacts. College students with a gambling problem may:

❒     Spend money they don’t have
❒     Max out credit cards
❒     Lie to family and friends
❒     Borrow and steal from others
❒     Use other people’s credit cards without permission
❒     Argue with family and friends about gambling
❒     Lose scholarship and job opportunities
❒     Commit crimes to gamble or pay off losses
❒     Fail or drop out of school
❒     Become depressed and have suicidal thoughts

To approach a friend or someone you care about regarding their gambling behavior, the following tips can help guide your conversation. Remember that friends depend on friends to tell the truth, so be sure to do your part.

❒     Become educated about the subject
❒     Make a plan to talk to your friend when you have time and are feeling calm
❒     Be sure you have identified a safe place to have a serious and private talk
❒     Don’t avoid the topic – be direct
❒     Express concerns honestly by providing observations
❒     Avoid passing judgment and verbal attacks
❒     Offer support but be clear about the type of support you’re willing to provide
❒     Encourage activities you can do together that are not gambling related
❒     Advise there is help and hope and one doesn’t need to handle the problem alone

In college and worried about your gambling? To see if you would benefit from our resources, please take our Student Assessment Quiz or contact the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine today.
